http://www.almaktou mfoundation. com/index. php?id=16

Open Scholarships Competition for Postgraduate Students

Scholarships Opportunities for Postgraduate Studies

Al-Maktoum Foundation offers an open scholarships competition for postgraduate students to study at Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee (University of Aberdeen) in the following one year postgraduate programmes:

MLitt in Islamic Studies
MLitt in Islamicjerusalem Studies
MLitt in Multiculturalism
MLitt in Muslims, Globalisation and the West

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding candidates on the basis of academic distinction.

Deadline for applications 16 May 2008

Further details are available from: or:

The Secretary, Scholarships Committee,
Al-Maktoum Foundation
124 Blackness Road, Dundee DD1 5PE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel:01382 908074 Fax: 01382 908077
email: info@almaktoumfound

http://www.timeshig hereducation. jobdetails. asp?source=jobalert& ac=56132

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Vacancies at AcademicTransferNederlands

PhD student Mathematical Biology / EpidemiologyRotterdam, 3015 CE, (Zuid-Holland), Erasmus MC

Job descriptionThe Department of Public Health (130 staff)aims at improving public health through high-grade research andeducation. Within the Department, the Unit Infectious Disease Controlis responsible for studies on the effects of control programs on thespread of infectious diseases in both western and tropical countries.
The Unit Infectious Disease Control is involved in the AfricanProgram for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), which aims at theelimination of onchocerciasis (i.e. river blindness) through mass drugadministration in more than 20 countries in Africa. Oncho¬cerciasis isan important disease in the tropics, which is caused by a parasiticnematode and which leads to blindness and severe skin disease. The PhDproject concerns a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) with the objective todetermine the public health effects of the APOC program. Theestablished ONCHOSIM computer simulation model is available for part ofthe analyses. The World Health Organization (WHO) has initiated theproject. You will analyze the extensive data that were collected byAPOC to study the effects of the control program on reducing infectionand morbidity. To this end you will develop sub-models, which will beimplemented in ONCHOSIM. Subsequently, you will estimate the publichealth impact of APOC for
different African countries, and for the APOCarea as a whole. The results of your work will be published in thescientific literature and is expected to lead to a PhD degree. Thisresearch project will be conducted in close collaboration with APOCscientists and the possibility exists to work at the APOC head officein Burkina Faso for some time.

University Graduate
You have completedacademic training in Mathematical Biology, Epidemiology, or any relatedscientific discipline. You are interested in quantitative andepidemiologically oriented research in the area of tropical infectiousdiseases. Preference will be given to candidates that have experiencewith using Excel or other software for management and analysis of largedatabases, or experience in the application or development ofmathematical models.

Additional information about the job:
Youcan contact Dr. Wilma Stolk (epidemiologist), Telephone +31-10-7043730, e-mail, or Dr. Sake de Vlas (mathematicalbiologist), Tel. +31-10-704 4285, e-mail foradditional information. Further details about the Department’sactivities can be found at

Erasmus MC

Het Erasmus MC is een uiterst veelzijdig
universitair medisch centrum. Waar onderzoek, onderwijs en
patiëntenzorg zijn samengebracht. Waar samenwerking, initiatief en
resultaatgericht werken passen bij de ambities van het Erasmus MC.
Beter worden.

Conditions of employmentEmployment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: for a period of 4 years

Additional conditions of employment:
We offer an appointment as PhD student for a period of 4 years. Thegross salary is € 1966,- in the first year, increasing to € 2519,- inthe fourth year, according to the Collective Agreement for UniversityMedical Centers in The Netherlands. More experienced researchers with aPhD degree who are interested in this job (e.g. for a post-docposition) are also invited to apply. Post-doc positions are for 2 or 3years. The salary depends on prior experience and degrees obtained.

Additional Information
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
About the organizationAbout the function
function popcorn(){
var popcorned ="", "pop", "dependent=yes, directories=no, height=500, hotkeys=no, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=no, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, width=500");

ApplicationYou can apply for this job before 07-06-2008 by sending your application to:

Erasmus MC
HRM Cluster 13 & 14
H. Hermine Brijnen
Postbus 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam
E-mail address:

Please send your application letter with
Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to, stating
vacancy code 05.17.08.CL13 in the subject line.

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT-05.17.08.CL13.

The short URL code for this job opening is: 00424-287.
You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL

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International Research Scholarships
<http://www.kalender beasiswa. com/info/ ?oid=&fid= &iid=289>

4 University of Brighton international research scholarships worth a reduction of 50 per cent off the cost of your tuition fees for your research programme for up to a maximum of 3 years are available to outstanding international research students in all areas of study.
The criteria for awarding University of Brighton international research scholarships are as follows:
* academic merit (including English language ability)
* full fee-paying international student status
* acceptance onto a research programme at the University of Brighton

In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must be a new, full-time international research student, and must have applied to join a research programme at the University of Brighton, and have been offered a place for 2008 entry.
How to apply
For the 2008 academic year, please email international@ brighton. with your applicant number in the subject line and we will send you a scholarship application pack.

75 International Scholarships
<http://www.kalender beasiswa. com/info/ ?oid=&fid= &iid=290>

75 University of Brighton international scholarships worth a reduction of £2,000 off the cost of your tuition fees for each year of your course are available to outstanding new, full-time international undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree students. In 2007-8 students from over twenty five different countries received our scholarships.
The criteria for awarding University of Brighton international scholarships are primarily merit-based.

* Merit does not necessarily have to mean academic merit but could also be interpreted to include outstanding performance in a variety of spheres.
* The strongest candidates will be those demonstrating a mixture of academic merit (including English language ability) and other merit or outstanding achievement in a particular field of activity.
* You will also need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to pay the remainder of the fees.


In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must be a new, full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree international student with a minimum course duration of 1 year, and must have applied for the course of your choice at the University of Brighton, and have been offered a place on that course for 2008 entry.

Students studying foundation degrees or undergraduate degrees at University of Brighton partner colleges are not eligible for these awards. Existing international students are not eligible unless starting a new undergraduate or postgraduate programme

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There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester. The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering department are expected to apply to these positions.

They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 900 per month) and tuition.

If you are interested in these positions, please send me ( kr) academic transcript and resume. If you have any questions regarding these, please contact me.

Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317

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*Bremen* International Graduate School** *
*for Marine Sciences*

*Global Change in the Marine Realm*

*Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments this Graduate School aims at educating young scientists in the field of marine sciences. Within a global-change framework these encompass the natural sciences as well as the humanities. Besides becoming experts in their special field the PhD students will get a solid background across many disciplines* of marine sciences. *

The Graduate School offers for its research area *„Challenges to Society" *** the following open position- under the condition of job release-:

*Associate Scientist (TV-L 13)*
This position is initially offered for two years starting at September 1, 2008, with a possibility for extension. Applicants are required to have a PhD in one of the following fields:

*Social Sciences, History, or Law. *
The main tasks of the Associate Scientists will be to stimulate interdisciplinary exchange within the Graduate School, in establishing topical courses and monthly PhD workshops, and in supporting the PhD students. In addition, the Associate Scientists are expected to develop their own research projects within the thematic framework of the school. Our webpage gives information about research topics presently covered by the school's scientists.

Further details and application forms are available at
**. Applicants should submit under the reference number A 62/08 a letter of motivation, their CV and publication list, an outline (max. 1000 words) of their own research plans (max. 1000 words) and the application form preferably by e-mail to **. In addition, they are requested to arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to the same e-mail address. Deadline for the applications is *June 15, 2008*.
The University of Bremen is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. This position is suited for part-time work.

Further enquiries can be addressed to Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, MARUM, University Bremen, Leobener Straße, 28359 Bremen,

email dhebbeln at

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Ph.D. in History and Theory of Religions

Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer
klinkhammer at

*An der Universität Bremen *ist im Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Religionspädagogik des Fachbereiches 9 *Kulturwissen­schaften* im Arbeitsgebiet "Geschichte und Theorie der Religionen" befristet vom 1.10.2008 bis zum 31.09.2010 (gem. § 14 (2) Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz) die Stelle

*einer Universitätslektorin/eines Universitätslektors *
Entgeltgruppe TVL 13
Kennziffer: LK 37/08
- unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe - zu besetzen.

16 SWS Lehre im Arbeitsbereich „Theorie und Geschichte der Religionen" mit einem Schwerpunkt auf empirische Religionsforschung und einer außereuropäischen Religionskultur (möglichst musli­mischer und/oder indischer Kulturraum)
Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium und Promotion in der Religionswissenschaft und/oder einer anderen für diesen Bereich einschlägigen Kultur- oder Sozialwissenschaft.

Bei weiteren Fragen können Sie sich an Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer wenden unter: oder Tel.: 0421- 218 2067.

Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden unter Angabe der o. g. Kennziffer erbeten bis zum 31. Mai 2008 an
*Universität Bremen*
*Fachbereich 9, ***
*FB 9/1*
*Postfach 33 04 40, 28334 Bremen*

Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien (keine Mappen)
einzureichen, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden können; sie
werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.

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Ph.D. in History and Theory of Religions

Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer
klinkhammer at

*An der Universität Bremen *ist im Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Religionspädagogik des Fachbereiches 9 *Kulturwissen­schaften* im Arbeitsgebiet "Geschichte und Theorie der Religionen" befristet vom 1.10.2008 bis zum 31.09.2010 (gem. § 14 (2) Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz) die Stelle

*einer Universitätslektorin/eines Universitätslektors *
Entgeltgruppe TVL 13
Kennziffer: LK 37/08
- unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe - zu besetzen.

16 SWS Lehre im Arbeitsbereich „Theorie und Geschichte der Religionen" mit einem Schwerpunkt auf empirische Religionsforschung und einer außereuropäischen Religionskultur (möglichst musli­mischer und/oder indischer Kulturraum)
Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium und Promotion in der Religionswissenschaft und/oder einer anderen für diesen Bereich einschlägigen Kultur- oder Sozialwissenschaft.

Bei weiteren Fragen können Sie sich an Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer wenden unter: oder Tel.: 0421- 218 2067.

Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden unter Angabe der o. g. Kennziffer erbeten bis zum 31. Mai 2008 an
*Universität Bremen*
*Fachbereich 9, ***
*FB 9/1*
*Postfach 33 04 40, 28334 Bremen*

Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien (keine Mappen)
einzureichen, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden können; sie
werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.

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Ph.D. in Bioceramics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurosch Rezwan
(krezwan at

Die Forschungsgruppe Biokeramik an der Universität Bremen befasst sich mitder Herstellung von neuen Knochenersatzmaterialien, Bioreaktoren und biomimetischen Nanoverbundwerkstoffen auf keramischer Basis. Das Fachgebiet plant zum nächstmöglichen Termin – unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe – zu besetzen:
*1 wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin*
*mit Promotionsmöglichkeit*
* (Biokeramik, Kennziffer A 64/06) *Entgeltgruppe 13 TVL **

Zur Bearbeitung von Aufgaben im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens an der Schnittstelle der technischen Keramik und der Biologie.

Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 1 Jahr befristet und kann verlängert werden (max. 6 Jahre).

*Ihre Aufgaben:*
Es erwarten Sie Arbeiten im Bereich der Kolloidchemie, Suspensionherstellung, Protein-/Ionenfreisetzkinetik und Werkstoffanalyse. Eine eigenständige Projektbearbeitung und die überzeugende Präsentation Ihrer Resultate vor Industrievertretern und internationalem Fachpublikum sind Teil Ihrer Aufgaben. Zudem unterstützen Sie das Fachgebiet Biokeramik in der Lehre und der Studentenbetreuung.

*Ihr Profil: *
Sie haben ein Studium (Uni/TH) der Fachrichtungen Materialwissenschaften, Chemieingenieurwesen, Pharmazie oder ähnlichem mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg abgeschlossen. Chemielaborerfahrung ist sehr wünschenswert. Sie sind hochmotiviert, initiativ und innovativ. Routinierter Umgang mit Bürosoftware und Englischkenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt.

Sie arbeiten in einemTeam von motivierten, interdisziplinär orientierten Wissenschaftlern. *Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion wird gegeben.*

Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.

Fragen bzw. Ihre *vorzugsweise elektronische Bewerbung* mit den üblichen Unterlagen inkl. Kontaktdetails von mind. 2 Referenzen senden Sie bitte unter Nennung der o. g. Kennziffer an :
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurosch Rezwan
Biokeramik / Universität Bremen
Am Biologischen Garten 2, IW3
28359 Bremen
Tel.: 0421 – 218-4507

Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien (keine Mappen) einzureichen, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden können; sie werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.

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Ph.D. in Quality Control using Artificial Neural Network

Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Goch
(GG at

Im Fachbereich Produktionstechnik an der Universität Bremen suchen wir zur Verstärkung unseres Teams im Fachgebiet Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik ab sofort –unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe- 1 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin oder Mitarbeiter (Entgeltgruppe 13 TVL) mit voller Wochenarbeitszeit.

Stelle „Qualitätsregelkreis", Bereich Mess- und Regeluzgstechnik (Kennziffer A 52/07) - die Stelle ist 1-3 Jahre befristet, mit der Möglichkeit um Verlängerung-
- Modellbildung mit Matlab/Simulink
- Echtzeitfähige Qualitätsregelung eines Lasermaterialbearbeitungs-Prozesses
- Künstliche Neuronale Netze (Matlab-Toolbox)


- Dipl.-Ing./MSc mit Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau/Regelungstechnik, ggf. auch Dipl.-Math.
oder Dipl.-Phys.
- Erfahrungen mit Matlab/Simulink
- Erfahrungen mit Mikrocontrollern bzw. echtzeitfähigen Systemen

Es wird Gelegenheit zur Promotion gegeben. Die Stell ist befristet gem. Hochschulrahmengesetz.

Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.

Wenn wir Ihr Interesse wecken konnten und Sie überdurchschnittliche Studien­leistungen vorweisen können, Englisch in Wort und Schrift beherrschen und zudem Engagement, Selbständigkeit sowie analytisches Denkvermögen mitbringen, dann richten Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen unter Angabe Kennziffer A 52/07 bis zum 31. Mai 2008 an:
Universität Bremen MSR
Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Goch
Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen
Telefon 0421 218-5515

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Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering)
Call for Applications for the 2008/2009 Academic Year

http://internationa l.polito. it/en/financial_ aid/politecnico_ internatio
nal_scholarships/ complete_ list_of_scholars hip_projects/ eni_project_ petroleum_engineering

The Eni Project offers international students (in particular from Congo, Egypt, Indonesia,Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia or Saudi Arabia) the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Master of Science course in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) .

The project, promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and financed by Eni - Exploration & Production Division and Eni Corporate University, will offer for the 2008/2009 academic year up to 60 scholarship to international students.
The length of the course is 2 years full time and corresponds to 120 ECTS credits. All the courses are entirely held in English.
The activities will begin in September 2008.

Academic requirements
In order to be admitted into the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) program, applicants must possess a university degree equivalent to a Bachelor of Science degree, which is approximately equivalent to three or four years after secondary school, depending on the number of secondary school years.
For further information, please visit the Entry requirements page.

Application is open to students who:
are not Italian citizens or are Italian citizens who come from foreign universities (please see the "Academic requirements" section above) are not older than 32 years (by 31/12/2008) have an adequate knowledge of the English language, preferably demonstrated by an international certification are not already enrolled in a Master of Science course of the Politecnico di Torino before the 2008/2009 academic year are not recipients of other scholarships, Italian or foreign. Obtaining a degree at the Politecnico di Torino To graduate at the Politecnico di Torino, students must attain a total of 120 credits, including exams and the final dissertation. A plan of studies must be outlined under the guidance of the student's academic tutor to identify, in relation to the student's previous academic career, the courses additionally required to complete the program of studies for the Master of Science course in which the student is enrolled at the Politecnico di Torino. The time required to graduate is approximately 4 semesters. However, the effective duration is also dependent upon each student's capacity. Note also that the time required for the compulsory Italian course, which will begin in early September, before classes start, is not considered in the estimated duration of the program.

Please note that scholarship recipients must attend their course for its entire length (2 years –120 credits). Students who have already attended other university courses can ask for a credit transfer up to a maximum of 10 credits per year (20 credits in total). Please note that credits achieved in preparatory courses or in the first year/second year in systems where preuniversity education lasts 10/11 years can not be taken into account.

Selection criteria
Applicants will be selected based on their previous academic career and on their Curriculum Vitae.

Amount of the scholarship
The gross amount of the Eni Project scholarship is 10.000 Euro per year (20.000 Euro for the complete period). The exact net sum is dependent upon the individual tax conditions of each student, which can be verified only upon the arrival of the student. The amount of the scholarship will not be increased in case the student will need more time to graduate than indicated.
The allocation of the scholarship is dependent upon the submission, within 10 days from the arrival in Italy of the student, of the original documentation, which must correspond with the documentation attached to the online form (see the "Selection outcomes" section below). Payment of the scholarship occurs periodically. The first instalment is dependent upon the possession of the relevant documentation (residence permit, Italian fiscal code, and bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient), all obtainable upon arrival in Italy; for this reason, the first instalment is not paid at the moment of arrival at the Politecnico di Torino, but in the course of the following month.

Requirements to maintain the scholarship
Given that it is not possible to combine the benefits received from more than one scholarship, students who are assigned another study grant while receiving the Eni Project scholarship must promptly notify the Politecnico di Torino. Payment of the scholarship will be suspended if the academic performance of the recipient does not meet a satisfactory level.
How to apply
To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process:


8 p.m. (Italian time) on May 10th, 2008.
Method: fill in the online application form by first registering and providing your biographical information, logging in and choosing your level and degree course, and subsequently submitting the application. Students must also provide information on their previous educational career, language abilities and work experience, and they must attach the necessary documentation in pdf format. After having completed these steps, the application for a scholarship will be considered complete.

N.B. The scholarship or project for which the applicant is eligible is not specified in the application form, since the Politecnico will automatically assess your eligibility for the Eni Project scholarship based on the information you provide. At the end of the selection process, the Politecnico di Torino will inform you if you have been selected for a Eni Project scholarship (see the "Selection outcomes" section below).

The following documentation must be attached in pdf format to the online application form:
an official transcript (original or authenticated copy) issued by the registrar of your university of origin containing ALL of the following information:
Planned duration of the program of study (no. of semesters)
Total number of exams sustained in the program of study
Total number of credits obtained in the program of study (if available)
Year of enrolment
A list of the exams already taken with the score of each exam and, where applicable, the number of credits earned with each exam.
The overall average score of the exams taken (at the moment of application)
A list of the exams still to be passed to complete the degree course
The grading system used with explanations (e.g. quantitative system from 0 to 10, with 5 corresponding to satisfactory; or qualitative system ABCD, with A as top grade and C corresponding to passing)
The semester of enrolment at the moment of the presentation of the application (e.g. "on xxx [day] the student is enrolled in the second semester of the fourth year of the degree course in xxx")
If the transcript provided by the students' registrar does not contain ALL of the above information, an additional document will have to be sent that provides it. This additional document must be signed by an authority of the university of origin (Tutor of the degree course, Dean, etc).
Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed (in English if possible) - maximum 3 pages
Letters of reference (2 maximum)
A personal introduction letter (written by the applicant)
Optional English language certificate
The above documents must be rendered in English.

We emphasise that the data shown in the documents must coincide with those inserted in the online application form. Moreover, failure to attach even one of the above documents will result in exclusion from the selection process.

Selection outcomes
Following the closure of the online application form, the applications will be assessed by Eni - Exploration & Production Division and Eni Corporate University, which will select the students eligible for the participation in the program.
The applications of the eligible students will be then evaluated by a special joint commission between Politecnico di Torino and Eni Corporate University, which will award the scholarships on the basis of the applicants' previous academic career and Curriculum Vitae.

At the end of the selection process, a provisional list of standings will be composed with the names of the students who have been awarded a scholarship and the names of the eligible applicants that may be awarded a scholarship in the event of one or more renunciations.

The list of standings will be affixed to the Official Register of the Politecnico di Torino. Beginning from May 23rd 2008, information about where and how to access the selection outcomes will be published on this project website and on the Apply@Polito section of the Politecnico website.


An e-mail message will be sent to all scholarship recipients and eligible applicants summarising the terms for the disbursement of the scholarship. This message will be sent to the address(es) specified by the students themselves on the online application form.

The scholarship awardees and eligible applicants who wish to confirm their position must take the following steps:

download the scholarship acceptance form which will be published together with the list of selection outcomes, fill it in and fax it to the number +39 011 090 6329 . Failure to send in the acceptance fax within the given period will constitute a definitive renunciation and the scholarship will be reassigned accordingly.
upon arrival in Italy scholarship recipients must hand in the original documentation, which was previously attached to the online application form (see the above list), to the Politecnico di Torino.
Before handing in the aforementioned documentation, we recommend that you make photocopies for yourself. We ask that you not hand in any other documentation other than that which has been required, and put all the documentation in a single folder bearing your name, surname and "Eni Project - Petroleum Engineering" . We reemphasize that the information given in the documents must correspond to that attached to the online application form. Failure to hand in the original documentation within 10 days from the student's arrival according to the above conditions will result in the non-allocation of the scholarship. Publication of the final list of standings is foreseen for March 2008 (1st application period) or June 2008 (2nd application period).


We emphasize that the Politecnico di Torino assumes no responsibility for the applicant's failure to view the list of standings and/or the terms for the acceptance of the scholarships as published online and on the Official Register of the Politecnico.

In all the e-mail messages and the correspondence sent to the Politecnico following the awarding of the scholarship, the recipient must clearly specify "Eni Project - Petroleum Engineering" .

Facilities Tuition fees for ENI Project students are covered by the project. Students will have to pay only the regional tax, the amount of which is approximately 150 Euro per year.

Scholarship recipients, together with the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) course, will benefit from:

One round trip air ticket from/to home country per year (please see the call for applications published on the Eni Corporate University website for further information)
an intensive Italian language course, compulsory and free of charge advice on lodging facilities (for more information visit the Accommodation section) additional services offered to the student community (access to the Politecnico libraries and computer laboratories, WI-FI (wireless LAN) , etc.); scholarship recipients will also be entitled to all the services offered by the regional university student assistance organisation, Ente regionale per il DIritto allo Studio Universitario (EDISU Piemonte ) at full fee: student canteen service, cultural and recreational activities, sports activities, libraries with lending service, etc. (for more information visit the Campus Facilities section) assistance in obtaining an entry visa. For more information consult the Immigration Requirements section and the websites of the Italian Embassy or Consulate assistance by the Stage and Job Placement Office for internship and employment.
The scholarship does not include accommodation costs, which are thus totally at the expense of the student.
The Politecnico di Torino does not guarantee any type of accommodation for Eni Project scholarship recipients. For students turning to the private market to rent an apartment, the initial amount requested for the cautionary deposit is equal to about three months rent, plus any fees charged by the real estate agency, if applicable. The approximate amount of the rent for an apartment shared with other students comes to about 250 EURO/month per person, and the rent for a small/medium sized apartment is about 500 EURO/month. Enrolment at the Politecnico includes insurance coverage for accidents occurring on the university premises.
Medical insurance for emergencies (First Aid), as required by the law for non-EU citizens, is 98 EURO per year. Upon their arrival in Italy, students must pay this amount to INA Assitalia: this is required for the conversion of the entry visa into a residence permit. For further information on these matters, see the Health insurance section.

We advise students to go to the Italian Embassy or Consulate to inform themselves on the necessary requirements to obtain an entry visa in Italy. Specific contacts for Master of Science For Scholarship International Relations Office international. relations@

For Admission Incoming Students Office international. admission@

For Accommodation Selected students will be contacted by the Foreign Citizens Services office

© Politecnico di Torino - Credits Last modified: 02/04/2008 4:22 pm

http://internationa l.polito. it/en/financial_ aid/politecnico_ internatio
nal_scholarships/ complete_ list_of_scholars hip_projects/ eni_project_ pet
roleum_engineering/ master_of_ science_in_ environmental_ engineering_ petr

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Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering)
Call for Applications for the 2008/2009 Academic Year

http://internationa l.polito. it/en/financial_ aid/politecnico_ internatio
nal_scholarships/ complete_ list_of_scholars hip_projects/ eni_project_ petroleum_engineering

The Eni Project offers international students (in particular from Congo, Egypt, Indonesia,Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia or Saudi Arabia) the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Master of Science course in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) .

The project, promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and financed by Eni - Exploration & Production Division and Eni Corporate University, will offer for the 2008/2009 academic year up to 60 scholarship to international students.
The length of the course is 2 years full time and corresponds to 120 ECTS credits. All the courses are entirely held in English.
The activities will begin in September 2008.

Academic requirements
In order to be admitted into the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) program, applicants must possess a university degree equivalent to a Bachelor of Science degree, which is approximately equivalent to three or four years after secondary school, depending on the number of secondary school years.
For further information, please visit the Entry requirements page.

Application is open to students who:
are not Italian citizens or are Italian citizens who come from foreign universities (please see the "Academic requirements" section above) are not older than 32 years (by 31/12/2008) have an adequate knowledge of the English language, preferably demonstrated by an international certification are not already enrolled in a Master of Science course of the Politecnico di Torino before the 2008/2009 academic year are not recipients of other scholarships, Italian or foreign. Obtaining a degree at the Politecnico di Torino To graduate at the Politecnico di Torino, students must attain a total of 120 credits, including exams and the final dissertation. A plan of studies must be outlined under the guidance of the student's academic tutor to identify, in relation to the student's previous academic career, the courses additionally required to complete the program of studies for the Master of Science course in which the student is enrolled at the Politecnico di Torino. The time required to graduate is approximately 4 semesters. However, the effective duration is also dependent upon each student's capacity. Note also that the time required for the compulsory Italian course, which will begin in early September, before classes start, is not considered in the estimated duration of the program.

Please note that scholarship recipients must attend their course for its entire length (2 years –120 credits). Students who have already attended other university courses can ask for a credit transfer up to a maximum of 10 credits per year (20 credits in total). Please note that credits achieved in preparatory courses or in the first year/second year in systems where preuniversity education lasts 10/11 years can not be taken into account.

Selection criteria
Applicants will be selected based on their previous academic career and on their Curriculum Vitae.

Amount of the scholarship
The gross amount of the Eni Project scholarship is 10.000 Euro per year (20.000 Euro for the complete period). The exact net sum is dependent upon the individual tax conditions of each student, which can be verified only upon the arrival of the student. The amount of the scholarship will not be increased in case the student will need more time to graduate than indicated.
The allocation of the scholarship is dependent upon the submission, within 10 days from the arrival in Italy of the student, of the original documentation, which must correspond with the documentation attached to the online form (see the "Selection outcomes" section below). Payment of the scholarship occurs periodically. The first instalment is dependent upon the possession of the relevant documentation (residence permit, Italian fiscal code, and bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient), all obtainable upon arrival in Italy; for this reason, the first instalment is not paid at the moment of arrival at the Politecnico di Torino, but in the course of the following month.

Requirements to maintain the scholarship
Given that it is not possible to combine the benefits received from more than one scholarship, students who are assigned another study grant while receiving the Eni Project scholarship must promptly notify the Politecnico di Torino. Payment of the scholarship will be suspended if the academic performance of the recipient does not meet a satisfactory level.
How to apply
To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process:


8 p.m. (Italian time) on May 10th, 2008.
Method: fill in the online application form by first registering and providing your biographical information, logging in and choosing your level and degree course, and subsequently submitting the application. Students must also provide information on their previous educational career, language abilities and work experience, and they must attach the necessary documentation in pdf format. After having completed these steps, the application for a scholarship will be considered complete.

N.B. The scholarship or project for which the applicant is eligible is not specified in the application form, since the Politecnico will automatically assess your eligibility for the Eni Project scholarship based on the information you provide. At the end of the selection process, the Politecnico di Torino will inform you if you have been selected for a Eni Project scholarship (see the "Selection outcomes" section below).

The following documentation must be attached in pdf format to the online application form:
an official transcript (original or authenticated copy) issued by the registrar of your university of origin containing ALL of the following information:
Planned duration of the program of study (no. of semesters)
Total number of exams sustained in the program of study
Total number of credits obtained in the program of study (if available)
Year of enrolment
A list of the exams already taken with the score of each exam and, where applicable, the number of credits earned with each exam.
The overall average score of the exams taken (at the moment of application)
A list of the exams still to be passed to complete the degree course
The grading system used with explanations (e.g. quantitative system from 0 to 10, with 5 corresponding to satisfactory; or qualitative system ABCD, with A as top grade and C corresponding to passing)
The semester of enrolment at the moment of the presentation of the application (e.g. "on xxx [day] the student is enrolled in the second semester of the fourth year of the degree course in xxx")
If the transcript provided by the students' registrar does not contain ALL of the above information, an additional document will have to be sent that provides it. This additional document must be signed by an authority of the university of origin (Tutor of the degree course, Dean, etc).
Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed (in English if possible) - maximum 3 pages
Letters of reference (2 maximum)
A personal introduction letter (written by the applicant)
Optional English language certificate
The above documents must be rendered in English.

We emphasise that the data shown in the documents must coincide with those inserted in the online application form. Moreover, failure to attach even one of the above documents will result in exclusion from the selection process.

Selection outcomes
Following the closure of the online application form, the applications will be assessed by Eni - Exploration & Production Division and Eni Corporate University, which will select the students eligible for the participation in the program.
The applications of the eligible students will be then evaluated by a special joint commission between Politecnico di Torino and Eni Corporate University, which will award the scholarships on the basis of the applicants' previous academic career and Curriculum Vitae.

At the end of the selection process, a provisional list of standings will be composed with the names of the students who have been awarded a scholarship and the names of the eligible applicants that may be awarded a scholarship in the event of one or more renunciations.

The list of standings will be affixed to the Official Register of the Politecnico di Torino. Beginning from May 23rd 2008, information about where and how to access the selection outcomes will be published on this project website and on the Apply@Polito section of the Politecnico website.


An e-mail message will be sent to all scholarship recipients and eligible applicants summarising the terms for the disbursement of the scholarship. This message will be sent to the address(es) specified by the students themselves on the online application form.

The scholarship awardees and eligible applicants who wish to confirm their position must take the following steps:

download the scholarship acceptance form which will be published together with the list of selection outcomes, fill it in and fax it to the number +39 011 090 6329 . Failure to send in the acceptance fax within the given period will constitute a definitive renunciation and the scholarship will be reassigned accordingly.
upon arrival in Italy scholarship recipients must hand in the original documentation, which was previously attached to the online application form (see the above list), to the Politecnico di Torino.
Before handing in the aforementioned documentation, we recommend that you make photocopies for yourself. We ask that you not hand in any other documentation other than that which has been required, and put all the documentation in a single folder bearing your name, surname and "Eni Project - Petroleum Engineering" . We reemphasize that the information given in the documents must correspond to that attached to the online application form. Failure to hand in the original documentation within 10 days from the student's arrival according to the above conditions will result in the non-allocation of the scholarship. Publication of the final list of standings is foreseen for March 2008 (1st application period) or June 2008 (2nd application period).


We emphasize that the Politecnico di Torino assumes no responsibility for the applicant's failure to view the list of standings and/or the terms for the acceptance of the scholarships as published online and on the Official Register of the Politecnico.

In all the e-mail messages and the correspondence sent to the Politecnico following the awarding of the scholarship, the recipient must clearly specify "Eni Project - Petroleum Engineering" .

Facilities Tuition fees for ENI Project students are covered by the project. Students will have to pay only the regional tax, the amount of which is approximately 150 Euro per year.

Scholarship recipients, together with the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) course, will benefit from:

One round trip air ticket from/to home country per year (please see the call for applications published on the Eni Corporate University website for further information)
an intensive Italian language course, compulsory and free of charge advice on lodging facilities (for more information visit the Accommodation section) additional services offered to the student community (access to the Politecnico libraries and computer laboratories, WI-FI (wireless LAN) , etc.); scholarship recipients will also be entitled to all the services offered by the regional university student assistance organisation, Ente regionale per il DIritto allo Studio Universitario (EDISU Piemonte ) at full fee: student canteen service, cultural and recreational activities, sports activities, libraries with lending service, etc. (for more information visit the Campus Facilities section) assistance in obtaining an entry visa. For more information consult the Immigration Requirements section and the websites of the Italian Embassy or Consulate assistance by the Stage and Job Placement Office for internship and employment.
The scholarship does not include accommodation costs, which are thus totally at the expense of the student.
The Politecnico di Torino does not guarantee any type of accommodation for Eni Project scholarship recipients. For students turning to the private market to rent an apartment, the initial amount requested for the cautionary deposit is equal to about three months rent, plus any fees charged by the real estate agency, if applicable. The approximate amount of the rent for an apartment shared with other students comes to about 250 EURO/month per person, and the rent for a small/medium sized apartment is about 500 EURO/month. Enrolment at the Politecnico includes insurance coverage for accidents occurring on the university premises.
Medical insurance for emergencies (First Aid), as required by the law for non-EU citizens, is 98 EURO per year. Upon their arrival in Italy, students must pay this amount to INA Assitalia: this is required for the conversion of the entry visa into a residence permit. For further information on these matters, see the Health insurance section.

We advise students to go to the Italian Embassy or Consulate to inform themselves on the necessary requirements to obtain an entry visa in Italy. Specific contacts for Master of Science For Scholarship International Relations Office international. relations@

For Admission Incoming Students Office international. admission@

For Accommodation Selected students will be contacted by the Foreign Citizens Services office

© Politecnico di Torino - Credits Last modified: 02/04/2008 4:22 pm

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nal_scholarships/ complete_ list_of_scholars hip_projects/ eni_project_ pet
roleum_engineering/ master_of_ science_in_ environmental_ engineering_ petr

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http://www.springer content/1384- 6175
Enjoy free access to Geoinformatica
Springer is providing free access for a month (April 10 - May 9, 2008,I think) to the volumes of Geoinformatica - An International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems.
The journal covers spatial modeling and databases; human-computer interfaces for GIS; digital cartography; space imagery; parallelism, distribution and communication through GIS; spatio-temporal reasoning and more. For those who do not have a subscription, this is a great opportunity to download reference material -- at no cost!

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PhD fellowship at Leiden Observatory to work on ULTRA-VISTA

Leiden Observatory has a vacancy for a 4-year PhD fellowship. The candidate will work under the guidance of Marijn Franx on the ULTRA-VISTA survey, and will study high redshift galaxies. The ULTRA-VISTA survey has been awarded 1800 hour of observing time, and will provide an ultra-deep 0.75 sq degrees Near-IR image of the sky, allowing the selection and study of very high redshift galaxies, as a precursor to JWST and ELT.

The position is funded for 3 years under the ELIXIR EU network, and an additional 4th year of funding will be available from the Leiden Observatory conditional on satisfactory performance. The salary for the first 3 years will be provided in agreement with EU regulations, and will be no less than 2000 euros per month before taxes. Additional allowances will apply, including a taxfree monthly mobility allowance of 500 euros. Funding for attendence of network meetings and conferences is available.

Leiden Observatory is the oldest, still existing university observatory, and offers a stimulating environment for PhD students. Students can perform research in preparation for their PhD for the length of 4 years. The students are expected to attend international schools and conferences during their research training. The working language is English, and PhD students, postdocs, and staff have an international background. The Netherlands is an attractive living place for English speakers, as English is widely understood and spoken.

The position is open to students with the equivalent of a Masters degree in astronomy, or physics with a very strong astronomy component. Due to EU regulations, only candidates with non-Dutch nationality can apply. The candidates must have resided less than 12 months in the Netherlands during the past 3 years before their application. The starting time of the position is negotiable. It can start on September 1, 2008, or later in the fall.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae (with a list of courses and grades), a brief statement of research experience, and 2 or 3 letters of reference which can be sent separately. Furthermore, a letter of motivation and a description of research interest is required. Selection of candidates will start on May 15 2008 and will continue until the position is filled.
Please send applications to:
prof. Marijn Franx
Leiden Observatory
P.O. Box 9513
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

FAX: +31-71-5275819
e-mail submission: franx at strw.leidenuniv. nl
e-mail inquiries: franx at strw.leidenuniv. nl

for more information:
Leiden Observatory <http://www.strw. leidenuniv. nl/>
PhD Programme <http://www.strw. leidenuniv. nl/education/ PhD.php>
Elixir network <http://www.iap. fr/elixir/>

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Beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2009

Posted by Naura | 8:21 AM

Kedutaan Besar Jepang membuka penawaran beasiswa kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di universitas di Jepang sebagai research student pada tahun 2009 dalam Program Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho) .

Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (master/doctor/ professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program doctor degree setelah menyelesaikan program master degree atau professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan, Persyaratan untuk melamar, sbb
(1) Pelamar lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1974
(2) IPK minimum 3,0 atau nilai EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) minimum 260 dalam jumlah 2 mata ujian tidak termasuk Bahasa Jepang
(3) Nilai TOEFL minimum 550 atau ekuivalen atau lulus Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat 2 Formulir pendaftaran dapat diambil secara gratis di Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan, pukul 08:30-12:00, 14:00-15:30) , Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya, Medan, dan Makassar. Formulir pendaftaran juga dapat diperoleh pada website Kedutaan Besar Jepang ( emb-japan. ). Dokumen lamaran harus dikembalikan kepada Kedutaan Besar Jepang sebelum tanggal 23 Mei 2008, dapat diserahkan secara langsung atau dikirim melalui pos.
Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai program beasiswa ini dapat diperoleh di Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan: Tel: 021-3192.4308 psw: 175, 176).

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Full-time Research Scholarships
The Westminster Institute for Health And Well-Being

Full Tuition and Bench Fee Waiver plus a maintenance allowance of £14,940 p.a. (which will increase in line with the relevant ESRC rate). Renewable for up to 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress

The Westminster Institute for Health and Well-being brings together an interdisciplinary academic group with an international research reputation in Health and Well-being including psychophysiology, health psychology, patient experience, nutrition, holistic health care and health informatics. The Institute aims to provide research-based evidence that informs policy and changes practice so that society reaps benefits in terms of improved understanding and promotion of health and well-being. These research scholarships will develop existing academic research and policy interests.
The Westminster Institute for Health and Well-being invites research applications from suitably qualified students to commence study in October 2008 on one of the following projects:

* Men, mindfulness and well-being Contact: Dr Damien Ridge by e-mail:
* Well-being, self-care and long-term conditions Contact: Professor David Peters by e-mail: D.Peters@westminste
* The use of skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia) in the treatment of stress and anxiety Contact: Dr Julie Whitehouse by e-mail: J.Whitehouse01@ westminster.

You should hold or expect to be awarded a 2.1 Hons degree or above and, preferably, a Masters degree in an appropriate subject area. Those applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate evidence of appropriate English language proficiency, normally defined as a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 (Overall Band Score) with 7 in all elements or equivalent. In addition to their PhD studies, duties will include up to 6 hours per week assisting with teaching on appropriate modules. To support teaching, you will be expected to take education courses at the University.

Informal enquiries may be directed to contact staff as indicated by the e-mail addresses above.

To receive an application pack and further details of the scholarships, please e-mail: researchadmissions@ You should specify that you wish to apply for a Westminster Institute for Health and Well-being Research Scholarship.

Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 16 May 2008

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There are several Ph.D. student position openings at the Department of Information Science & Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China, http://www.zju.
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Hangzhou). These Ph.D. studentships & scholarship are provided for prospective international students overseas (i. e. non-Chinese nationals) by Chinese Government and Zhejiang University jointly, which are planned to begin on or around September 2008 with a studying period up to 3-5 years.

The basic conditions for the Ph.D. studentships & scholarship are as following:
1. Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiments, fees for internship, fee for basic learning materials and fee for intramural accommodation;
2. Living allowance comparable to the local living standard in China (e.g. Hangzhou);
3. Fee for outpatient medical service and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China.

On top of those conditions, additional financial support can be expected from each department (doctorate course in English) in which the international students register. Please visit the official website http://iczu. Eg_index. php (International College of Zhejiang University) or http://grs.zju. (Graduate School of Zhejiang University) for up-dated and detailed information.

Please note that all applicants should submit written application materials to Zhejiang University directly between April 10th to May 20th, 2008.

The Department of Information Science & Electronic Engineering has particular strengths and interests in Ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless communications, Cognitive Radio, Cognitive Networks, Cognitive Mobile Internet, Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management, and next-generation broadband wireless communications; so we particularly encourage applicants with an interest in any of these areas.

Should you have any questions, please do NOT hesitate to further contact me at your earliest convenience.

With best regards,
Honggang Zhang

Honggang ZHANG, Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Information Science & Electronic Engineering
Zhejiang University
Zheda Road 38, Hangzhou 310027, CHINA
Tel: +86-571-87952022 Fax: +86-571-87952022
Email: honggangzhang@

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Glendale Community College offers 70 master scholarship program in science, engineering or mathematics. Application Applications are now being accepted for the 2008-2009 school year. The deadline is May 16, 2008.
Students who are accepted into this program are not only guaranteed transfer assistance to a four-year university with transfer application fees paid, but are also given a five week summer bridge/academic enrichment program, for which they will receive a stipend and a top-of-the-line graphing calculator. Scholarship recipients will also receive
approximately $1500 per year if they maintain a 2.5 grade point average and continue progressing in their major. They are assigned a caring professor/mentor to help them with any problems they may encounter during their stay at Glendale College. While in the MASTER scholarship program, students are also able to attend special MASTER Supplemental Instruction (SI) classes to give them additional help with their science, engineering, and math classes.

Students will also have a special MASTER counselor, priority registration and assistance with the development of a student education plan. MASTER scholars will automatically become members of the award-winning MASTER Math Club. Where possible, students can also join the GCC Science Academy.

Imagine a program which provides money, support and long-term commitment to your educational needs and goals. The MASTER scholarship program is all of this, in a learning community of like-minded scholars, with the added prestige of being a National Science Foundation scholarship recipient.

Interested in Learning More?
Select the appropriate links on the left of the page or contact program director Sid Kolpas at (818) 240-1000 x5378 or

Program Sponsors:
AT&T Foundation
Norris Foundation
Texas Instruments

For further information, contact:

Project Director
Dr. Sid Kolpas
MASTER Office SG 321
Glendale Community College
1500 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 240-1000 ext. 5378

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http://www.cs. summerschool/

Call for Participation

This summer school is an academic and cultural event sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. This event will be hosted by the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. It provides an in-depth introduction into computational logic and its applications.

It is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers with interests in logical foundations of intelligent systems and related issues.

The courses are conducted in English. The number of participants is limited.

School site

The school will take place in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia Kampus UI Depok/Jakarta, Indonesia. Information on how to reach the school location can be found here or here.


Registration is requested before June 12th, 2008; please fill in the registration form and email it to cl-ss@cs.ui. (or click the apply button to register online), making sure you include a very brief biography (5-10 lines) stating your experience, interests, home page (if available), etc. We select applicants in case of excessive demand. Final decisions will be made on June 19th, 2008.

We ask for a participation fee of 50 EUR or Rp.700 000,-. Please pay this fee in cash on your arrival at the school.

A limited number of grants covering basic expenses are available; please indicate in your application if the only possibility for you to participate is via a grant. Applications for grants must include an estimate for economic travel costs and they should be sent together with the registration. We provide assistance in finding an accommodation in Depok/Jakarta.

Apply here

Course Program

The courses are scheduled over two weeks from 4 August until 15 August 2008.
The time table is described below, whereas the abstracts of each course as well as the course materials can be found here

First week: 4 August - 8 August Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
09:30 - 10:30 Opening Hölldobler Großmann Stefanus Alumni Day
11:00 - 12:00 Hölldobler Großmann Tiu Hölldobler Alumni Day
13:30 - 14:30 Großmann Tiu Hölldobler Tiu Alumni Day
15:00 - 16:00 Hölldobler Großmann visit to a German company Stefanus Alumni Day
16:30 - 17:30 Großmann Tiu visit to a German company Tiu Alumni Day Evening joint dinner

Second week: 11 August - 15 August Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
09:30 - 10:30 Stefanus Stefanus Posegga Ganter Posegga
11:00 - 12:00 Turhan Ganter Turhan Turhan Ganter
13:30 - 14:30 Ganter Posegga Ganter Posegga Farewell
15:00 - 16:00 Posegga Stefanus guided city tour Turhan
16:30 - 17:30 Turhan funding infos by DAAD guided city tour infos by German Embassy
Evening joint dinner

On the first day (Monday August 4, 2008), an opening ceremony is planned to
start at 9:30 AM.

Cultural Programs

The city of Jakarta, being the capital of Indonesia, is by far, the largest and most important city in Indonesia. Amidst crowded and dynamic city life, you can find many interesting and historic sightseeing sites accross the city. To discover what Jakarta is really like, a guided city tour will be organized for all participants of the summer school on Wednesday, August 13, 2008.

Aside from the guided city tour, there will be two joint dinners for lecturers and students. The first dinner will be held on Wednesday August 6, 2008, whereas the second one on Wednesday August 13, 2008.


University of Indonesia has a Hotel inside the Depok Campus, called Wisma Makara. See the information in English or in Bahasa Indonesia. The cost of a standard plus room is Rp. 290.000,00 per night, whereas a standard room costs Rp. 260.000,00 per night. This cost includes breakfast.

There is also a guesthouse at the Japanese Study Center inside UI. A suite double room costs Rp. 210.000,00 per night, whereas the cost of a single room is Rp. 210.000 (with Air Conditioner) Rp. 120.000,00 per night without breakfast and dinner.

To reserve your accomodation, please fill in the accomodation form before July 11th, 2008. For information about currency exchange rates, please click here. (Note: all values are in thousands; actual rates may vary slightly).

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De Montfort University is a dynamic organisation, formed from a diverse range of specialist institutions. The name of De Montfort University is associated with Simon De Montfort, Earl of Leicester, a distinguished figure in English history and widely credited with establishing the first parliament in 1265.

De Montfort University is committed to supporting international students to benefit from study in the UK. For courses starting in September 2008, De Montfort University’s Vice Chancellor is delighted to offer scholarships of £2000 each.
The scholarships are for £2000 equivalent to a reduction of around 20% on the full tuition fees, and will be paid towards the full tuition fees of overseas-status students from any country in the world who wish to study any of the following types of courses at De Montfort University, Leicester:
• Full-time undergraduate degrees (BA/BSc) in any subject
• Full-time Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters courses (PGDip/MA/MSc/MBA/LLM) in any subject
• Full-time MPhil/PhD research degrees in any subject

The Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarships are available for courses starting in September 2008 only (or between September 2008 and June 2009 for MPhil/PhD research degrees).
The £2000 scholarship will be made as a one-off payment and will be deducted from the full tuition fee at the beginning of the first (or only) year of study.

Students progressing to De Montfort University through one of our established progression schemes or collaborative partnerships can also apply for these scholarships if they wish to.
Only overseas status students are eligible to apply.

We will award up to 16 x £2000 scholarships for the above courses starting in September 2008. There will be a limited number of scholarships awarded by Faculty:
• Faculty of Art and Design: up to 3 scholarships
• Faculty of Business and Law: up to 3 scholarships
• Faculty of Computing Sciences and Engineering: up to 5 scholarships
• Faculty of Health and Life Science: up to 2 scholarships
• Faculty of Humanities: up to 3 scholarships

Please note that a few of our courses are not included in this scholarship scheme.

To confirm whether your choice of course is included in the scheme, please contact the Faculty admissions team to whom you are applying directly.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the submission of a 500 word essay, to be written by the applicant and assessed by a panel of De Montfort University representatives (each Faculty will have its own panel).

Deadline for Applications, if you want to apply for an international scholarship, you should have received your letter and proposal submitted essays on August 1, 2008. No essays received after this date will be accepted under any circumstances.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your essay submission, when we receive it. Make sure you keep as proof of acceptance of your application, if required.

For more information and how to apply please click here

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College of Education (COE) offers a variety of scholarships for students who were taken in specific major in education. These scholarships can be used to address the special situations, which exclude funding through the usual channels of university scholarships.

Academic level: Doctor and Masters

Field of study: Education

Scholarship Program: Bullock Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Criteria: Interested students must meet the following requirements:

* Must be a graduate-level student (master’s or doctorate degree in any of the following disciplines: science education, special education, adult education and statistics.)
* There must be full-time student
* Have a 3.0 or better GPA

The student must indicate any special circumstances of life (one parent, physical challenges, unique qualifications and experience.) Deadline: April 30 Download Application form

University of Florida

College of Education
4202 East Fowler Avenue, EDU 162
Tampa, FL 33620
Tampa, Florida 33620
United States
Phone: 813-974-3039

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SUMMIT Institute for Development

Beasiswa SUMMIT memberikan kesempatan mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi kepada calon pemimpin dan ilmuwan Indonesia. Beasiswa ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mengembangkan kapasitas calon pemimpin dan ilmuwan Indonesia dalam hal pengetahuan, kemampuan analitis dan berpikir kritis yang dibutuhkan untuk mampu bersaing di dunia internasional.

Persyaratan Beasiswa SUMMIT bersifat kompetitif dan dirancang untuk mencari dan memberikan kesempatan pendidikan kepada mereka yang bermotivasi tinggi dan memiliki kemampuan dasar untuk menjadi pemimpin atau ilmuwan yang bertaraf internasional. Untuk tahun 2008 beasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada calon mahasiswa pascasarjana Universitas Mataram yang berminat untuk mengambil program S2 (master). Beasiswa dibuka untuk semua bidang namun bidang dan atau rencana penelitian yang berhubungan dengan gizi dan kesehatan manusia akan sangat diutamakan. Syarat lain adalah:
1. Berkebangsaan Indonesia
2. Lulus sarjana (S1) atau yang setingkat yang ditunjukkan dengan ijasah dan transkrip
3. Memenuhi persyaratan masuk Universitas Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat
4. Menunjukkan kemampuan untuk melaksanakan penelitian terutama di bidang yang
berhubungan dengan gizi dan kesehatan

Nilai Beasiswa
Beasiswa SUMMIT 2008 mencakup:
1. Biaya perkuliahan (SPP) hingga lulus Master atau hingga maksimum 2 tahun setelah studi
dimulai pada program master yang dipilih di Universitas Mataram
2. Biaya pendaftaran (dapat direimburse)
3. Bantuan untuk mengikuti pelatihan tambahan, seminar atau konferensi yang berhubungan
dengan studi, sebagaimana ditentukan setelah perkembangan studi dievaluasi Sponsor

Beasiswa SUMMIT 2008 merupakan hasil kerjasama antara SUMMIT Institute for Development bersama Pusat Penelitian Bahasa dan Kebudayaan (P2BK) Universitas Mataram, Allen Foundation dan Center for Health and Human Development.

Formulir lamaran ini dapat diambil dalam bentuk hard copy di:
Pusat Penelitian Bahasa dan Kebudayaan (P2BK)
Universitas Mataram
Jalan Pendidikan No 37, Mataram
Telepon: 0370-623207
Contact Person: Hajra'i

Formulir dapat diperbanyak sendiri dalam bentuk fotokopi. Masukkan formulir yang sudah terisi lengkap dengan dokumen pendukung ke dalam amplop yang ditujukan kepada Bapak Husni Muadz di P2BK dengan mencantumkan tulisan Beasiswa SUMMIT di pojok kanan atas. Formulir dapat juga dikirim melalui email ke> . Jika ruang yang tersedia pada formulir ini tidak cukup untuk menuliskan informasi Anda, silakan menulis informasi tambahan pada kertas lain dengan mencantumkan nomor pertanyaan yang dimaksud dan lampirkan di bagian akhir dari formulir ini.

Formulir paling lambat diterima paling lambat tanggal 31 Mei 2008 (cap pos atau tanggal email). Formulir yang terlambat diterima tidak akan dipertimbangkan. Hanya sebagian kecil dari pelamar yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.

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Call for application A.Y. 2008-09 - Non EU citizens
http://www.sssup. it/context. jsp?ID_LINK= 375&area= 46

Online application
http://www.sssup. it/domandeSifur/ index_perf_ phd.jsp

Selection overview
The Ph.D. in Innovative Technologies of Information & Communication Engineering and Robotics is a three-year residential program with highly interdisciplinary connotation, where students can specialize in one of the following curricula:

- Embedded Systems, with emphasis on real-time systems and resource management.
- Telecommunications, especially referring to networks and photonic technologies.
- Biorobotics, including micro-engineering, biomedical engineering, biomimetic robotics, rehabilitation technologies and computer assisted surgery.
- Perceptual Robotics, with emphasis on telerobotics, cognitive robotics and virtual environments.

Admission Requirements:
- Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title;
- they should not be older than 35 years on June 17, 2008; older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Examination Committee;
- the candidates whose native language is not English should hold an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate- level of English knowledge.

Positions and grants:
- 4 positions with 4 fellowships (amounting to € 12.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen + Campus facilities): 1 position for each curriculum

- Candidates are requested to apply online at: phdapplicationon line by June 17, 2008, 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883-383/335/ 220, e-mail: infophd@sssup. it).
- An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach (regardless of delivery date) by June 24, 2008:
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy

"Application PhD in Innovative Technologies" must be written on the envelopment.

Application and attachments:
Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) a copy of their passport;
b) two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum. Please, use the EU modelc) photocopy of Candidate's University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish);
d) detailed list of academic courses taken. This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
e) a copy of their degree thesis (or two abstracts in English) and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable;
f) the certificates of knowledge of the English language;
g) two copies of a detailed Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:
- a title;
- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;
- the aim and expectations of the research;
- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
h) at least two Reference Letters written by Faculty Members who have supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies;
i) a numbered list of documents attached

Selection of applicants:
- Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme
The PhD Programme will start on November 5, 2009

infophd@sssup. it
techschool@sssup. it

Attached documents:
PhD Programme in Innovative Technologies - Non EU Citizens (file pdf, 60 Kb)
CV European template (file doc, 113 Kb)

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Call for application A.Y. 2008-2009 - non EU citizens
http://www.sssup. it/context. jsp?ID_LINK= 367&area= 46

Online application
http://www.sssup. it/domandeSifur/ index_perf_ phd.jsp

Selection overview
The Ph.D. in Politics, human rights and sustainability is a three-year residential program with highly interdisciplinary connotation, where students can specialize in one of the following curricula:
- Identity, rights, conflicts in the political theory;
- Rights and social capital in the regional development policies;
- Institutions and mechanisms for protecting Human rights: outlines of International Law;
- Agrarian Law, Environmental Law and Sustainable Development of the land.

Admission Requirements:
- Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree or
equivalent title;
- they should not be older than 35 years on October 1, 2008; older than 35 may be exceptionally
admitted by the Examination Committee;
- they must hold of an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate
level English knowledge (as per art. 2, par. 3).

Positions and grants
- 3 positions with 3 fellowships (amounting to € 12.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen
+ Campus facilities).

- Candidates are requested to apply online at: phdapplicationon line by October 1, 2008 by 12.00 pm GMT.
In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883383/3335/ 3220, e-mail: infophd@sssup. it).
- An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by October 9, 2008:

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy

"Application PhD in Politics, human rights and sustainability" must be written on the envelopment.

Application and attachments
- Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) a copy of their passport;
b) two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum. Please, use the EU model;
c) photocopy of Candidate's University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish);
d) two copies of the abstract of thir Master Degree thesis and a copy
of any other publication that they deem suitable
e) detailed list of academic courses taken (written either in English or in Italian, French, German, Spanish). This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
f) the certificates of knowledge of English language (as per art. 2, par. 3);
g) two copies of a detailed Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:
- a title;
- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;
- the aim and expectations of the research;
- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
h) at least two Reference Letters written by Faculty Members who have supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies;
i) a numbered list of documents attached

Selection of applicants
- Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications e submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme
The PhD Programme will start on January 21, 2009

infophd@sssup. it

Attached documents:
Call for applications 2008-2009 (file pdf, 82 Kb)

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Call for Applications A.Y. 2008-2009
http://www.sssup. it/context. jsp?ID_LINK= 3160&area= 46

Online application
http://www.sssup. it/domandeSifur/ index_perf_ phd.jsp

Selection overview

Admission Requirements
- Applicants, with no restriction on nationality, must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) or equivalent title
- Current undergraduate students who will be awarded such a degree before September 19, 2008, may also apply. In this case, a successful application will be conditional to the subsequent completion of the degree and the transmission to the School of adequate documentation, also in electronic form, no later than September 22, 2008.

Positions and grants
- 4 positions with 4 fellowships (amounting to € 12.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen+ Campus facilities)
- The School reserves the possibility of accepting up to a maximum of 2 further students without grant or other forms of financial support.

- Candidates are requested to apply online at: phdapplicationon line by May 30, 2008 by 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883383/3335/ 3220, e-mail: infophd@sssup. it).
- A hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate) together with the enclosures as per art. 7 and with the copy of a valid identity document, must reach by June 6, 2008:
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
International Doctoral Program in Economics
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
I - 56127 PISA, Italy

Application and attachments
- Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) the copy of a valid identity document. Non-UE applicants will have to provide a photocopy of their passport;
b) two copies of their complete Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum covering scientific training, professional experiences, publications and all other information that might help in the evaluation of the candidate; please use the UE model.
c) The academic record with the full list of courses and grades (in English, in French or Italian);
d) one copy of the Master thesis, when applicable; two copies of its abstract in English or in French or in Italian, and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable (works written in languages other than Italian, English, or French must be accompanied by a summary in one of the above languages);
e) two copies of a Research Project, of no more than 2.000 words which describes the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The candidate might opt to change her/his research topics during the postgraduate program. However, the research project offers an indication of the research interests and is an important element for the evaluation of the potential of the candidate.
f) at least two recommendation letters written by Faculty Members or other academics who have assessed and/or supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies, offering a comparative evaluation of the learning achievements, research potential, maturity, and professional inclinations of the candidate, and assessing whether the knowledge of the English language by the candidate is adequate to attend a post-graduate programme;
Selection of applicants
Selection of applicants will be based upon the assessment of all the submitted documents and publications.

Beginning of the Courses
October the 1st, 2008

e-mail: infophd@sssup. it

Attached documents
Call for applications 2008-2009 - (file pdf, 62 Kb)

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Call for Applications- 2008 HPAIR Academic Conference!

The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) is pleased to present its 2008 Academic Conference, and is now accepting applications from university students around the world.

The HPAIR academic conference is an annual international conference that brings together top students from elite universities across the world to engage in high-level discourse on economic, political, humanistic, cultural, and social issues affecting Asia and the world. It is Harvard's largest annual event in Asia.

The conference approaches its goal holistically, and features rigorous academic workshops and lectures led by renowned professors, scholars, government officials, and private sector practitioners from all over the world. Additionally, the conference features opportunities for student paper presentations, interactive activities, field trips, and social & networking events (including the famous annual "International Night" cultural extravaganza as well as the elaborate gala dinner closing ceremony).

Notable past speakers at HPAIR conferences include: Kim Dae-jung (Former President, Republic of South Korea), S. R. Nathan (President, Singapore), Kim Young-Sam (President, Republic of South Korea), Norodom Ranariddh (Prime Minister, Cambodia), Bai Ki-moon (Former Foreign Minister, Republic of Korea), Fred Hu (Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asia), Tu Wei-Ming (Professor of Confucian Philosophy, Harvard University), Richard Cooper (Professor of Economics, Harvard University), and Jeffrey Sachs (Professor of Economics, Columbia University). http://www.hpair. org/about/ history/speakers .aspx

This year, the 2008 HPAIR Academic Conference will be held from Aug 21-24, 2008 at the Hilton Kuala Lumpur Hotel in Malaysia.

The application system is currently open. Applications from students will be accepted at http://www.hpair. org/conferences/ aconf/ until May 15th. For more information on HPAIR, please visit Questions may be directed to

In addition, limited space is still available for HPAIR 2008 Business Conference:
Details about the HPAIR 2008 Business Conference are as follows:
Theme: Emerging into Focus: Asia Incorporated
Venue: JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Date: August 14 – 17, 2008

Plenary Sessions:
**Ties that Bind: How Corporate Governance Affects the Business Climate in Asia
**East Meets West: Global Integration of the Business World

Panel Topics:
*Financial Services
*Family-owned Conglomerates
*Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Hedge Funds
*Energy and Natural Resources
*Foreign Direct Investment
*Media and Entertainment
*Luxury Goods
*Real Estate

Workshop Topics
*Enhancing Board leadership and Value
*Consumer Branding and Marketing
*Law and Regulations
*Managing and Recruiting Talent

To learn more about the HPAIR Business Conference, please visit http://www.hpair. org/conferences/ bconf/ or join our facebook group: http://harvard. facebook. com/event. php?eid=66561412 37

**Due to high demand, application will still be accepted based on discretion, please visit **

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