Two Research Fellow positions (postdoctoral position) are available in the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

The positions are in the interdisciplinary field of Nanoelectronics and Micro/Nano Fluid Mechanics and are available for immediate appointment.

Position 1:
We are looking preferably for a researcher holding a PhD in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, or Nanoelectronics. Her/His task will be the development of thin-film resistance sensors using lithographic techniques and the designing of fast constant current feedback electronic circuitries. The Research Fellow will develop this novel device for probing the fluid mechanics present in ultrasonic cleaning. This position is initially available for 12 month and renewal will be based mutual agreements. Good communication skills in English, experiences in the clean-room/nanofabr ication, and the design of analog circuitry are required. Additional knowledge in the fields of acoustics, fluid-mechanics, or physics is a plus. If interested, please send your CV and names/contacts of two references to Dr. Tom Wu.

Position 2:
The second position should be filled with a Researcher holding a PhD in Physics, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering. The candidate should have experience in experimental research in fluid mechanics and ideally in acoustics, too. In this 36 month research project she/he will study the wall shear stress on a microscopic level with the help of novel sensor developed in-house. For the calibration of the sensor some experience in operating pulsed lasers and high-speed photography equipment is desired. Although, the research project is focused on the experimental side, candidates with a background in numerical simulations (boundary element method or finite-element method) are favorably considered. Good communication skill in English and a curious character are necessary to successfully complete this challenging interdisciplinary research project. If interested, please send your CV and names/contacts of two references to Dr. Claus-Dieter Ohl.
http://www1. spms.ntu. postdoc_position s.html