NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS is a Research Company owned 100% by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The activity is project based and the majority of the approx.

100 employees are working with social science research.

Vacancies: 1 Research Position (PhD fellowship)
NTNU Social Research Trondheim invites application for one three years research position as PhD fellow in social anthropology. The position provides the opportunity to work in an international research institution with high academic standards and a cross-disciplinary environment. The PhD fellowship is financed by the Research Council of Norway for a research project on international/ global work migration, identity construction and subjective experiences of migrant workers. Field research will be a comparative study and will be undertaken in Norway and another country which will be agreed upon between the research fellow and the research team. A brief description of the project can be found at http://www.svt. ntnu.no/san/utlysninger/ prosjektbeskrive lse_work_ unlimited. pdf.

We are particularly interested in applications from candidates with research interests related to the topic of international work migration. The PhD fellow will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, and will receive close supervision from the project leader. Progress on the doctorate fellowship will be supported through regular presentations at internal PhD seminars as well as at international academic conferences and workshops. A progress plan will be agreed upon between the candidate and supervisor.

*Applicants must have the following qualifications*

- Hold an M.A. or equivalent in social anthropology
- Be fluent in English and a Scandinavian language

*In addition, as many as possible of the following qualifications are desirable*

- Background in organizational (or working life) anthropology; alternatively in organizational
- Knowledge on international labour migration
- Good skills in research methods and data analysis
- Social and communicative skills in order to be able to function in a group
- Interest in and experience with interdisciplinary and international collaboration.
- The candidate will be expected to be in residence in Trondheim and will have a workplace at the Department of Social Anthropology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. NTNU is committed to promoting the careers of female researchers and to fostering a more ethnically diverse work force. Women and persons of ethnic minority background are encouraged to apply. The starting date for the position is 1 September 2008 or as early as possible thereafter.

*The application should include:*

1. A completed PhD Stipend Application Form:
http://www.ntnu. no/studier/ samfunn/phsant/ skjema.
2. A PhD project description of 3-5 pages, written in English and outlining the following:
a) main research questions
b) expected innovation or «value-added» of the project
c) geographical location (s) of field research and d) a progress plan including an overview of milestones/outputs
3. A curriculum vitae
4. Certified copies of transcripts from higher education
5. Contact details for three references

The PhD candidates will be responsible for applying to, and enrolling in a compatible PhD program at NTNU. The PhD project description will be the foundation of the application to the organized research training programme at the Faculty of Social Science and Technology Management.

The starting salary for a PhD fellow at NTNU is according to standard. NTNU Social Research has a pension scheme in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (Statens Pensjonskasse) .

For more information about the Department of Social Anthropology at NTNU see http://www.ntnu. no/sosant and http://www.ntnusamf unnsforskning. no. Applications should be sent electronically to Elin.Juul@samfunn. ntnu.no or by regular mail to NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 7491 Trondheim, Norway, by August 1, 2008. Please mark the application with «Stipendiatstilling»

Questions and queries can be addressed