3 Dissertation research grants, IWT, University of Bielefeld

The Graduate College "Entering the knowledge society" at IWT, University of Bielefeld, Germany, now offers three dissertation research grants (current value € 1,000 plus a materials supplement). The Graduate College is jointly funded by the German Research Foundation and the State of Northrhine-Westphal ia and is housed in the Institute for Science and Technology Studies (IWT). Researchers from the sociology of science and technology, the philosophy and history of science and law participate in the Institue.
Science bears the stamp of modern society with respect on new epistemic and institutional features, which have repercussions for other sectors of society. The starting points of these transformations include, e.g.:

- Linkage of science and society in economy, law or media;
- disciplinary structure and institutional diversification;
- scientific practice (theory, model, simulation, experiment); and
- relationships between science and social values

Successful applicants are expected to make their homes in Bielefeld for the duration of their grants.

Interested applicants from the history, theory and sociology of science or other related disciplines are asked to submit their applications asap, but not later than 07. September 2008.

Applications should be addressed in electronic form (as .pdf-files) to Professor Weingart, email: gk@iwt.uni-bielefel d

They should contain a discursive curriculum vitae (not in tabular form) and the usual certifications, plus a statement of scientific interests, a brief description of the project proposed and how it fits in with the research focus of the Graduate College (about 5-10 A4-size pages).

For more information on the Graduate College visit http://www.uni- bielefeld. de/iwt/gk/ .

Alexandra Wiebke
DFG Research Training Group 724
"Entering the Knowledge Society"
Institute for Science and Technology Studies (IWT) University of Bielefeld
P.O. Box 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld

UHG U6-218
Fon: +49 (0)521 106 4646
Fax: +49 (0)521 106 6418
Web: http://www.uni- bielefeld. de/iwt/gk/