Full Title: Multimodality of Communication in Children
Short Title: MULTIMOD 2009

Date: 09-Jul-2009 - 11-Jul-2009
Location: Toulouse, France
Contact Person: Michèle Guidetti
Meeting Email: guidetti@univ- tlse2.fr
Web Site: http://w3.eccd. univ-tlse2. fr/multimod2009/

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2008

Meeting Description:

The Multimod 2009 conference - Multimodality of communication in children:
gestures, emotions, language and cognition is being organized jointly by
psychologists and linguists from the Universities of Toulouse (Toulouse II) and
Grenoble (Grenoble III) and will take place in Toulouse (France) from Thursday
9th July to Saturday 11th July 2009.

Call for Papers

We invite you to submit proposals for symposia, individual papers or posters of
original, previously unpublished research on all aspects of multimodal
communication in children, including:

- Gestures and language development, both typical and atypical
- Emotional development, both typical and atypical
- Multimodality of communication and bilingualism
- Gestural and/or emotional communication in non-human and human primates
- Multimodality of communication and didactics
- Multimodality of communication in the classroom
- Multimodality of communication and brain development
- Prosodic (emotional) aspects of language and communication development
- Pragmatic aspects of multimodality development

The aim of the conference will be to assess research on theories, concepts and
methods relating to multimodality in children.

The Invited Speakers are :
- Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago, USA),
- Jana Iverson (University of Pittsburg, USA),
- Paul Harris (Harvard University, USA),
- Judy Reilly (San Diego State University, USA),
- Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon (University of Stirling, UK),
- Marianne Gullberg (MPI Nijmegen, The Netherlands) .

Please visit the conference website
http://w3.eccd. univ-tlse2. fr/multimod2009/ to find all useful Information about
submissions (individual papers, posters and symposia); the deadline for
submissions is December 15th, 2008.

Michèle Guidetti (Université Toulouse II - Octogone-ECCD)
Jean-Marc Colletta (Université Grenoble III - Lidilem)
Conference Chairs