Applications are invited for a 3-yr PhD studentship, funded by School of Psychology,
Bangor University (UK), and supervised by Dr Jörn Diedrichsen. The studentship is available
from earliest October 1st, 2008 (start date flexible). Applications are accepted until the
Position is filled, the review of Applications is starting on September 13th. The
studentship is funded at ESRC rates, currently GBP12,940 per year.

The student will join the laboratory for Human Motor Control Lab, Bangor. Work in the
laboratory focuses on the computational principles and neural underpinnings of human
motor control
, especially in the areas of bimanual coordination and function of the
cerebellum. In behavioral studies we use robotic devices to simulate novel objects and new
dynamic environments, and study how healthy participants learn and perform novel tasks.
We develop computational models of coordination to understand the problems the brain
solves as we interact with the environment. Neural underpinnings of these processes are
studied using fMRI in which subjects perform or learn well-controlled motor tasks using
fMRI-compatible robotic devices. Finally, studies with patients with lesions in the
cerebellum allow us to test specific hypotheses about the functional role of the
cerebellum. The PhD project will consist of an associated but independent series of studies
related to this work.

The Studentship will be undertaken within the School of Psychology, which was given the
top rating of 5*A in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise. The School houses a
3T MRI scanner, and a number of robotic and eye tracking devices (also fMRI-compatible)
to record and manipulate movements. The School offers a thriving research and learning
environment in the Clinical and Cognitive Neurosciences – for more information go to
http://www.psycholo gy.bangor. Informal enquiries can be made by contacting Jörn
Diedrichsen, e-mail j.diedrichsen@ uk.

Applicants with a Masters degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Engineering, or a related
field are preferred. Minimal requirement for application is a first or upper second class
honours BA degree in a relevant field. The studentship is for three years (PhD only) and
provides fees and a maintenance grants. School studentships are open to any applicant.
International students are welcome to apply, but funding is currently only available at the
Home/EU level.. Studentship offers may be subject to a successful Criminal Records
Applications should take the form of (1) a full academic CV, (2) a cover-letter stating
research interests and how you might develop the project, and (3) two letters of reference
from appropriate academic referees relating directly to your application (with telephone
numbers and emails for confirmation) . These should be sent to:

Everil McQuarrie, PhD Administrator,
School of Psychology, Bangor University,
Adeilad Brigantia, Penrallt Road, Bangor,
Gwynedd, LL57 2AS.
Telephone 01248 383671.

Short-listed candidates will be interviewed. Applications are accepted until the position is