Our newly established multidisciplinary “aivoAALTO” research project opens positions in the field of systems-level human brain imaging and related research, with a strong focus on social interaction in natural settings, including economic decision making, cinema viewing, and methodological development.
http://www.aaltoyli opisto.info/ en/news/funding- to-aalto- university- s-aivoaalto- research- project

The project involves Helsinki University of Technology(TKK, www.tkk.fi ), Helsinki School of Economics (HSE, www.hse.fi> ) and Helsinki University of Art and Design (TAIK, www.taik.fi ).
These three schools are just merging to form a new Aalto University (“Aalto”, meaning wave, honors the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto).

The positions, available immediately for up to 3 years, are the following:
• 1 PhD student in neuroeconomics and decision making
• 1 PhD student in neurocinematics
• 1 PhD student in brain-imaging- related signal analysis
• 3 postdoctoral positions in human brain imaging and related research
• 2 senior scientist positions in human brain imaging and related research

For further information, see
http://neuro. ltl.hut.fi/ ~hari/aivoAALTO_ positions_ March2009. pdf

Riitta Hari, prof.
Brain Research Unit
Low Temperature Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
Puumiehenkuja 2, room #250
02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland
tel +358 9 451 2959, fax +358 9 451 3508
hari@neuro.hut. fi
http://neuro. hut.fi (Brain Research Unit)
http://ltl.tkk. fi/wiki/LTL/ Contact_informat ion (How to find us)

Advanced Magnetic Imaging Centre (AMI)
Helsinki University of Technology
http://www.ami. hut.fi

  1. Unknown August 24, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

    Thanx to for this scholarship information.
