University of Kent
PhD Scholarships
Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science will be offering two PhD Scholarships which will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant at the same rate as the Research Councils (£12,960 per annum in 2008-09). Recipients will be expected to do some teaching as part of the terms of the Scholarship. The Scholarships will be offered for one year in the first instance, renewable for a maximum of three years subject to satisfactory academic performance. Candidates must hold a good Honours degree (First or 2i) or a Master's degree at merit or distinction in a relevant subject or equivalent.
The scholarship competition is open to all postgraduate research applicants. UK, EU and overseas fee paying students as well as full-time and part-time postgraduate research students are invited to apply.
Application Process
To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must make a formal application for postgraduate research study at the University of Kent. This can be done online at: http://records. external/ admissions/ pgapplication. php
When candidates send their application paperwork to the University of Kent they should include a letter stating that they would like to be considered for this University of Kent scholarship.
Candidates who are interested in applying for one of these scholarships should contact Dr R J Shank at the institute of mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences via email at R.J.Shank@kent.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 17:00 on Friday 26 June 2009.
Phd positions at The Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, Univ. of Kent
QUT's School of Economics and Finance is seeking three PhD students to undertake study in the areas of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics.
The scholarships are attached to a large international research group sponsored by the Australian Research Council, AusAid, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation and the German Labour Institute (IZA) as well as an international collaboration with European companies.
The successful applicants will work with researchers from the Australian National University and the QUT-based National Centre for Econometric Research.
They will be expected to follow standard economic PhD coursework in all fields of economics and to engage in a variety of analyses, such as handling large-scale data sets on migration in China, performing economic experiments in Australia with and without measuring heart rates, or developing a theoretical view of human decision making (including migration, network formation and attitudes towards risk and collaboration) .
Visit here
http://www.bus. faculty/schools/ economics/
or here
http://rumici. joomla/
Application criteria
* At least an Honours 2A or international equivalent thereof in economics or closely related subfield.
* Good verbal and written English language skills.
* A proven high ability in the use of analytical methods, as witnessed by courses in statistics/ economic modelling/game theory/mathematics, or else prior work of a high analytical quality.
* The ability to work with world-class researchers from many different countries (Australia, the United States, England, China, Indonesia, Germany) and the desire to become a research-oriented economist.
The scholarships
The school is offering three full-time scholarships to the value of $26,140 per annum (tax exempt and indexed annually) for three years. Top up scholarships and/or Research Assistant work may be available. The successful applicants will be based in Brisbane.
Application closing date
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 9 April 2009.
For more information about the research projects, please contact Professor Paul Frijters (phone (07) 3138 2947 or email p.frijters@qut. or Associate Professor Uwe Dulleck (phone (07) 3138 9103 or email uwe.dulleck@
For more information regarding the application process, please visit this website
http://www.bus. faculty/schools/ economics/ research/ phdscholarships. jsp
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Notice of competitive examination and application form
http://pcsiwa12. rett.polimi. it/~phdweb/ eng/ammissione_ borse/bandostran ieri25.pdf
Notice of competitive examination XXV cycle
(Decree Rep. n° 651 Prot. n° 4659, 05th March 2009)
Notice of competitive examination published in the Official Gazzette N. 24, 27th March 2009
- Download the notice of the competitive examination (XXV cycle, Expiring April 30th 2009): ( .pdf )
http://pcsiwa12. rett.polimi. it/~phdweb/ eng/ammissione_ borse/fr_ ammissione_ borse.htm
-Application form: admission.
M. Sc. Optics and Photonics
KSOP Masters Education. We believe that a Ph.D.graduate school is unlikely to be successful without the background / infrastructure and the “funneling / filtering” through a corresponding associated, interdisciplinary coordinated masters program, aiming at attracting excellent students from abroad.
36 students per year can be admitted to our masters program. The best students of the masters program are supported by the KSOP Scholarship Program. Access to the KSOP masters education is granted via an application procedure.
A study plan is developed for each individual masters student (corresponding to his/her educational background) when entering the KSOP.
The M.Sc. course is divided into four stages providing the students with the necessary prerequisites (Stage I: Introduction) , to give them a solid background on the most important topics within the wide and diverse field of Optics and Photonics (Stage II: Core Subjects) and let them acquire specialized knowledge (Stage III: Specialization) to be able to competently perform a six-month research project on a current topic of research (masters thesis). In addition, an 8-weeks industrial internship is scheduled between stages 2 and 3.
The KSOP scholarship amounts to 800 Euro/month for international students and 400 Euro/month for German students. Part of the scholarship is a research assistantship. Within the scope of this assistantship, you will have the opportunity to work on a research project in one of the KSOP institutes.
The scholarship is first admitted for 12 months. At the end you have to proof your successful participation in the KSOP M.Sc. Program through very good study results in order to extend the scholarship for another 12 months.
Guideline for Scholarship Application
Step 1 - Fill out the KSOP scholarship application form
You can apply for a scholarship at the KSOP Office after having applied for the program M.Sc. in Optics & Photonics. Please fill out the KSOP Scholarship application form. The application deadline for the upcoming winter semester is July 15 each year.
Please note that you have to send your scholarship documents seperately from your application to the student office, the KSOP Office or the international student office respectively.
You will receive feedback from the KSOP Office on your scholarship application after July 15.
Step 2 - Submit your application
You are required to include the following documents in your application:
- KSOP scholarship application form
- a certified copy of your qualification for university entrance (e.g. Abitur, High School Diploma, Bac.)
- a certified copy of your Bachelor degree (if the Bachelor degree is not yet available at the closing date for applications but will be completed before the registration, candidates can apply with a preliminary transcript of records)
- your CV
- proof of English language profiency: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a minimum of 570 pb, 260 points cb and 88 points ibt or IELTS (International English Languag Testing System) band with a minium of 6.5
- proof of extra-curricular activities
- one or better two recommendations
- Statement of purpose
Please send the complete application preferrably via e-mail or alternatively via postal mail to:
Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP),
Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Schlossplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
http://www.ksop. de/fileadmin/ KSOP/download/ 03_programs/ Application_ Form_MSc_ Scholarship. pdf
14 PhD Student Fellowships in Infection Biology of Human Pathogens (starting September 1, 2009) (Hannover)
Since 2006, the German Research Foundation (DFG) provides funding to Hannover Medical School (MHH) and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig to maintain an International Researchm Training Group (IRTG) together with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (coordinators: Sebastian Suerbaum, Hannover, and Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Stockholm). The central aim of the programme is to
give young researchers the opportunity to perform their PhD work in the rapidly moving field of the infection biology of human microbial pathogens in a highly stimulating, competitive, international environment. The core element of the IRTG is a joint research programme centering on the question how human microbial pathogens achieve acute or persistent infection and how the host organism reacts to persistent infection. In addition, graduate students will participate in a highly interdisciplinary joint study programme.
Stipends will be 1365 €/month and are available for up to three years. It is an integral part of the programme that PhD students spend 6-12 months in one of the partner labs at the Karolinska Institute.
Candidates who hold the equivalent of a master’s or diploma degree in Biology, Biochemistry or Life Sciences, or who graduated in medicine are welcome to apply. Those applicants who are selected for interviews in a first round of screening will be asked to attend a selection workshop in Hannover to be held June 10 / 11, 2009.
The deadline for receipt of a complete application is April 30, 2009.
Applications are only accepted via the online application platform http://www.irtg1273 .mh-hannover. de
For detailed information on faculty and projects see hannover. de/4587.html
PhD in cognitive neuroscience (Research Assistant)
Our profile:
HumTec is an interdisciplinary "project house" at RWTH Aachen University funded as part of the excellence initiative by the federal government and the state government of North-Rhine Westphalia. HumTec aims at fostering high level interdisciplinary research between the humanities/social sciences and the engineering/ natural sciences. Research at HumTec will focus on two research areas: "Values, Norms, Governance" and "Behaviour, Communication, Acceptance". The first area has a normative orientation comprising programs focusing on ethical, legal, and political aspects of technological innovations. The second area comprises programs with a strong empirical orientation focusing on cognitive, social, linguistic, and cultural aspects of new technologies.
The HumTec program “Brain, Concept, Writing” wants to study the genesis of complex literary concepts in an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the fields of literature, neuroscience and computer science.
Your profile:
Candidates for this position should have a degree in Neuroscience, Biophysics, Psychology, Medicine or another related degree.
Experience in cognitive neuroscience, functional imaging methods and statistics would be of advantage. The position is available immediately for initially 2 years and search will continue until a candidate has been selected.
Your duties and responsibilities:
The PhD position is dedicated to studying the neurofunctional production and comprehension processes of literary texts in the human brain in close cooperation with researchers of the Central Service Facility “Functional Imaging” (www.izkf.rwth- .
Our offer:
- The candidate will be employed as a regular employee.
- The position is to be filled as soon as possible and is for a fixed term of 2 years.
- This is a part-time vacancy (50 % of the standard weekly hours for full time employees).
- The option of undertaking a PhD is provided.
- The pay scale classification complies with the labor agreement TV-L.
In cases of equal qualification, aptitude and expertise of the applicants, female applicants will be given preferential treatment for those salary groups and careers in which females are underrepresented, unless there are preponderant reasons to give preference to another applicant.
Please refer to § 8 Article 6 of the North Rhine-Westphalian Equal Opportunities Act(Landesgleichstellu ngsgesetz NW).
RWTH Aachen University has been rewarded with the title “disability-friendly” (“Prädikat behindertenfreundli ch” ) for its efforts with respect to training and employment of severely disabled people. Applications from severely disabled people with appropriate suitability are explicitly welcome. This also applies to people with equal opportunities in accordance with § 2 SGB IX (Social Code).
Your contact person
For further information, please contact
Dr. Ralph Schnitker
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 80 88890
Fax: +49 (0) 0241 80 82605
Email: rschnitker@izkf. rwth-aachen. de
You can also obtain further information from our websites: http://humtec@ rwth-aachen. de
Please send your application via mail to
Dr. Ralph Schnitker
mail: rschnitker@izkf. rwth-aachen. de
Our newly established multidisciplinary “aivoAALTO” research project opens positions in the field of systems-level human brain imaging and related research, with a strong focus on social interaction in natural settings, including economic decision making, cinema viewing, and methodological development.
http://www.aaltoyli en/news/funding- to-aalto- university- s-aivoaalto- research- project
The project involves Helsinki University of Technology(TKK, ), Helsinki School of Economics (HSE,> ) and Helsinki University of Art and Design (TAIK, ).
These three schools are just merging to form a new Aalto University (“Aalto”, meaning wave, honors the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto).
The positions, available immediately for up to 3 years, are the following:
• 1 PhD student in neuroeconomics and decision making
• 1 PhD student in neurocinematics
• 1 PhD student in brain-imaging- related signal analysis
• 3 postdoctoral positions in human brain imaging and related research
• 2 senior scientist positions in human brain imaging and related research
For further information, see
http://neuro. ~hari/aivoAALTO_ positions_ March2009. pdf
Riitta Hari, prof.
Brain Research Unit
Low Temperature Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
Puumiehenkuja 2, room #250
02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland
tel +358 9 451 2959, fax +358 9 451 3508
hari@neuro.hut. fi
http://neuro. (Brain Research Unit)
http://ltl.tkk. fi/wiki/LTL/ Contact_informat ion (How to find us)
Advanced Magnetic Imaging Centre (AMI)
Helsinki University of Technology
Two PhD Positions in Auditory Neuroscience
We are seeking highly motivated PhD Students to work in the program "Function and pathophysiology of the auditory system" at the Hannover Medical School, in Hannover, Germany.
The goal of our group is to investigate neural mechanisms of human auditory system by using event-related potentials (32-channel system, Brain Products). Experiments will involve healthy controls, as well as subjects with cochlear implants (CI). An emphasis will be placed on the processing of language-related irregularities as well as music perception. All studies are conducted in collaboration with the Clinic for Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology.
The research will be conducted at the Hannover Medical School (http://mh-hannover. de) in Hannover, Germany, which is one of the world's leading university medical centers. Our research and patient care set national and international standards. We are also part of an excellent regional medical network. Our outstanding success in interdisciplinary collaboration both within the MHH and with extramural scientific institutions is reflected in the fact that the MHH is the German medical university with the greatest volume of grant funding.
PhD positions:
The candidates must have a master degree (or equivalent) in neuroscience, medicine, psychology, or a related field. Proficiency in oral and written English is necessary. PhD students will have the opportunity to participate in the Center of Systems Neuroscience.
Starting date for all positions is flexible (official teaching classes start date: October, 1st, 2009), but an earlier start will be supported. Scholarship will be 1500 €/months.
We seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are under-represented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply. We are committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourage them to apply.
The closing date for applications is 15th May 2009 but interested candidates are encouraged to get in touch at their earliest convenience.
For questions or informal enquiries about these posts please contact Dr. Matthias Wittfoth: (wittfoth.matthias@ mh-hannover. de) +49 (0) 511-532-3578.
Please include the following documents in your application (preferably in one PDF-file): Curriculum Vitae, names and contact details of two personal references, a description of your personal qualifications, future research interests and academic goals.
Applications should be sent to: wittfoth.matthias@ mh-hannover. de
or via post to:
Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Matthias Wittfoth
Department of Neurology
Hannover Medical School
Carl-Neuberg- Str. 1
30625 Hannover, Germany
Tel.: ++49-(0)511- 532-3578
Three PhD studentships jointly sponsored by the EPSRC and the Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence School of Engineering
Closing Date: 17 Apr 2009
Three PhD studentships jointly sponsored by the EPSRC and the Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence
1. Radio Resource Management for Future Mobile Cellular Radio Networks
2. Radio Resource Management for Future Enterprise and Home Networks
3. Architectures and Network Coding for Enterprise and Home Networks
The Institute of Advanced Telecommunications within the School of Engineering at Swansea University wishes to invite applicants for three prestigious PhD Studentships to work on the EPSRC/MobileVCE Core-5 research programme entitled Green Radio.
These prestigious studentships are available now to overseas applicants as well as UK and EU citizens.
Document Downloads
Job Description (PDF)
http://www.swan. Vacancies/ Other/DocumentPD F,31533,en. pdf
Application Form (English) Word Document
http://www.swan. Documents/ Download, 28204,en. doc
Beasiswa: Full Scholarships for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi
Full Scholarships Available for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi
The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world. (6-10 scholarships are available to U.S. students).
The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven
institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first carbon neutral, zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy.
The Institute offers Masters and (in 2011) PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified students and provides scholarships to talented students who meet its high admission standards.
Beginning September 2009, the MASDAR Institute will offer five 24-month Master of Science programs (coursework and thesis).
* MSc in Engineering Systems and Management
* MSc in Information Technology
* MSc in Materials Science and Engineering
* MSc in Mechanical Engineering
* MSc in Water and Environment
Full scholarship is available to qualified talented students who meet its high admission standards which include appropriate TOEFL score, GRE and an excellent CGPA from a recognized university. A minimum CGPA of 3.0 (on a 4 point scale) or 2:1 in the British system, minimum TOEFL score of 577, and a minimum GRE quantitative score of 700 are the basic requirements without which an applicant will most likely not be considered.
Students accepted into the Masdar Institute will be offered a full scholarship which includes the following:
* 100% tuition fee scholarship
* Textbooks
* Laptop
* Medical Insurance
* Housing in a single unit apartment (at the Masdar campus)
* International students will receive reimbursement of travel expenses (economy class air-ticket) into Abu Dhabi and back home after completion of studies. Travel expenses (return economy class air-ticket) back to the student’s home country at the end of the 1st year of studies will also be reimbursed.
* Reimbursement of TOEFL and GRE exam fees (upon registration at Masdar Institute and submission of original receipts)
* A competitive stipend per month (cost of living allowance).
* No bond or conditions to the scholarship upon graduation
The scholarship and benefits are subject to the student maintaining a minimum CGPA as determined by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and satisfactory progress on their research.
Details of faculty profiles, current research, programs offered, course description, scholarships, and other information is available on the website at
Any questions about the Institute and scholarships may be directed to Stephen Lee, Assistant Provost, at
6 Leiden University Fund Scholarship in Various Master`s Programmes
Each year the organisation of alumni, Leiden University Fund (LUF) awards 6 LUF scholarships to truly outstanding foreign students pursuing an English language Masters Degree at Leiden University . The LUF scholarship is open to highly talented students from all countries of the world except the Netherlands. Please see below for further requirements.
Master`s programmes in Leiden. Areas of interest:
1. Arts and Humanities
2. Business, Communication and IT
3. Education
4. Law/Criminology for Dutch Students (regular LL.M./Msc)
5. Law for International students and professionals (LL.M../LL.M.Advanced)
6. Science and Biomedical Science
7. Social and Behavioural Sciences
Application deadline: 1 April 2009.
See the list of eligible English language masters programmes on
Scholarship amount
The scholarship consists of € 10.800,- for one academic year and is available for master`s programmes starting per September 2009.
Applications can only be made by sending the completed online scholarship application form below to the Leiden University Fund (LUF).
Requirements for eligibility
1. The applicant has been admitted unconditionally to an English language Masters programme of Leiden University on the basis of prior education outside the Netherlands.
2. The applicant is not in his/her second year of the masters programme.
3. The applicant must have obtained excellent results in his/her previous studies and be for instance in the top 10% of students in his/her programme.
4. The applicant`s studies in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of his/her previous studies in the home country.
Further information about the procedures
1. The International Office of Leiden University will forward the necessary documents to the selection committee of LUF. Please note: students applying for a LUF scholarship still have to submit an application for admission to a master`s programme in order to be admitted to the programme. This is a seperate procedure and can be done via on-line application for admission to a master`s study as described on the website:
2. Students have to pay the application fee and necessary deposits for MVV and or housing themselves.
3. Students will be informed by LUF about the decision by the end of May 2009.
4. Allowances will be paid by LUF in September 2009.
More information about the scholarship:
Key Changes in the 8th Leadership Course on Gender, Sexuality, and Health in Southeast Asia and China
*Announcement: Key Changes in the 8th Leadership Course on Gender,Sexuality, and Health in Southeast Asia and China*
*Key dates*
Application Submission: 15 July 2009
*Training date*
Application Submission:
Sep 28 - Oct 13, 2009
*How to apply
*Applicants are required to submit:
· Application form
· Curriculum Vitae
· Letter of reference
*Download application
* click<>here to download an application form.
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Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program ditawarkan kepada para mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia, yang diberikan mulai semester tiga sampai dengan semester delapan.
1. Mahasiswa S1 angkatan 2007/2008 dari ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW dan UNPAD; di salah satu jurusan berikut: Ekonomi (Akuntansi, Studi Pembangunan,
Manajemen), MIPA (Fisika, Kimia, Matematika), Ilmu Komputer, Ilmu Lingkungan, Teknik (Teknik Elektro, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Lingkungan, atau Teknik Mesin).
2. IP semester I, II, dan III minimal 3.0 (skala 0-4).
3. Aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan atau kegiatan sosial lainnya.
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik.
5. Berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu.
6. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari institusi/sponsor lain.
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diambil/difotokopi di bagian Kemahasiswaan, di masing-masing Jurusan atau HIMA, atau diakses dari website IIEF. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi harus dilengkapi dengan transkrip nilai semester 1 dan 2 (dilegalisir); 2 surat rekomendasi (dari dosen wali dan dosen lainnya); 2 surat keterangan tidak mampu (dari kelurahan dan pihak universitas); surat pernyataan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan tidak akan menerima beasiswa lain apabila ditetapkan sebagai penerima beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program; serta salinan sertifikat dan dokumen pendukung lainnya (bila ada).
Seluruh dokumen harus dikirim ke IIEF paling lambat pada:
14 Maret 2009 (cap pos)
dengan alamat
Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program - IIEF
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite B
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Tel.No.: 021-8317330, Fax.No.: 021-8317331;
E-mail:, Website:
Hanya dokumen pendaftaran yang lengkap dan memenuhi syarat yang disertakan dalam proses seleksi.
Victoria University will offer you a place if you meet the entry requirements, including the English language requirements and academic requirements.
For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study
at masters and doctorate level.
For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.
Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Application Forms
For more details please visit
Contact us
If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.
ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)
Canterbury Christ Church University
Research Degree Study
Applications are invited to read for a research degree (MPhil or PhD) at Canterbury Christ Church University.
Details of research specialisms and supervision along with our Research Degree Prospectus can be found at:
Canterbury Christ Church University offers funded studentships of £11,250 p.a. with free tuition. Part-time studentships will provide free tuition only.
The closing date for applications is 15th April 2009.
Start date: 1st October 2009.
For further information and details contact The Graduate School Secretary, The Graduate School Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury,
Kent CT1 1QU. Telephone: (01227) 782701
Further Details
The Algorithmic Game Theory group at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), generously supported by the NRF Research Fellowship Scheme (Prof. Elkind) and the Nanyang Assistant Professorship Scheme (Prof. Chen), has openings for several research fellows (post-docs) and PhD students, to start from August 1st 2009 or shortly thereafter. The successful applicants will work with Prof. Ning Chen
( and Prof. Edith Elkind
For a research fellow, a strong background in theoretical computer science, game theory, optimization, or multiagent systems is expected; an existing track record in algorithmic game theory/computationa l social choice will be a plus. The positions are
for 1-3 years.
Salaries are competitive and are determined according to the successful applicants' accomplishments, experience and qualifications.
Travel funding is available. The positions are open till they are filled. Interested applicants should send their detailed CVs, a research statement, and contact details of at least three referees to Prof. Elkind (eelkind@ntu.
For a PhD student, a good first and/or second degree (B.Sc./M.Sc. ) in computer science, mathematics, economics or a related subject, as well as some evidence of ability to do research is expected.
The successful applicants will receive a stipend, as well as a tuition fee waiver.
For more information about our PhD program, please visit our admissions website: The website also contains instructions on how to apply. In addition to submitting a formal application, please send an e-mail to Prof. Elkind (, indicating your intention to apply. Please attach a brief CV.
Nanyang Technological University is a major research university in Singapore, with a strong emphasis on science and technology. The positions are based in the Division of Mathematical Sciences (
UNU-IAS is now accepting applications for its three fellowship programmes, Japan
PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships - Sustainable Development
The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) is now accepting applications for its three fellowship programmes:
UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships, UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowships, and JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2009.
UNU-IAS is a multi-thematic, interdisciplinary, research and training centre located in Yokohama, Japan. The Institute's fellowship programmes provide young scientists, policy makers, and developing country scholars with the opportunity to expand their intellectual vision beyond a single scientific field.
UNU-IAS PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered for a period of 10 months beginning in September 2009. JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered for 12-24 months beginning in September 2009.
Postdoctoral candidates must have completed a PhD degree, and PhD candidates must be at the advanced stage of their doctoral dissertation.
Please click on full details link for more information.
4 PhD studentships (Innovation Research)
University College Dublin
PhD scholarship, starting 01/04/2009 or later, for 3 years (1800 EUR per month)
Main areas:
a) Self-defined PhD project in Innovation Research
b) Help with Establishing UCD´s Innovation Research Unit
Job description
Area (a) The advertised positions will offer the opportunity to follow a self-defined PhD project in the general research orientation at IRU.
Innovation, the creation of new, technologically feasible, commercially realisable
products and processes, is permanently emerging from an ongoing interaction process of innovative organisations such as universities, research institutes, firms, government agencies, venture capitalists and others. These actors generate and exchange knowledge, financial capital, and other resources in networks of relationships which are embedded in institutional frameworks on the
local, regional, national and international level. While the contexts of innovation
performance provide turbulent environments with high uncertainty and ambiguity, innovation networks in complex social systems typically show characteristics such as multi-scale interactions with high contingency and nonlinearity, emergent behaviour, pattern formation, and self-organisation. IRU's research deals with governance issues of innovation networks in complex social systems. Most projects combine a conceptual framework of complexity science and social systems theory with computational methods such as network analysis, agent-based modelling and social simulation. Successful candidates need to apply with a project idea fitting this framework.
Area (b)
The advertised positions at IRU (UCD Innovation Research Unit, http://casl. are funded by UCD´s Vice-President for Research. IRU works in an environment that will commission independent, multidisciplinary research focused on the broad role, drivers and impacts of innovation.
It will advance knowledge of a broad definition of innovation through high-quality,
independent research which is fully engaged with policy and practitioner communities. It will ensure the maximum impact of new knowledge on policy and practice and develop capacity, in terms of people, data and methods, for future research and knowledge exchange. Successful candidates need to engage fully with the mission of IRU and assist in establishing the unit.
The Positions Since IRU is an interdisciplinary research environment, any disciplinary
background of the PhD candidates are welcome. We are looking for excellent candidates from the natural and social sciences with an interest in combining empirical research and modelling activities for complex systems, in our case innovation systems. A sound background in research methods using both, quantitative (prominently social network analysis and agent-based simulation) and qualitative methods is mandatory though UCD offers the possibility for starting PhDs with a bachelor degree. Organisational skills, love for detail, and social competence would be desirable; very good written and oral English, and permanent residence in Dublin/Ireland is mandatory.
In addition to the superior payment, this positions provide the opportunity to
work in an international research team doing cutting-edge innovation research.
The successful candidates will enrol in the new PhD Programme "Complex Systems and Computational Social Science" at UCD and will receive a PhD degree adapted to the disciplinary area of their main supervisors which can be from the natural or from the social sciences.
Applications should include an up-to-date CV and a cover letter and can be sent
by email (pdf or doc files). Further requests for information before submitting a
formal application are welcome.
Please send your application via email until 15/03/2009 to: We are looking forward to your submission.
Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler
Professor of Technology and Innovation Management UCD Innovation
Research Unit (IRU) Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory CASL University
College Dublin
8 Belfield Office Park
Beaver Row
Dublin 4
Phone: +353 1 716 5367
Fax: +353 1 716 5396
PhD Vacancy in Development & Food Policy
LICOS, Faculty of Business & Economics, KULeuven (Belgium) LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is seeking to appoint a PhD student/Research Assistant for 4 years as of Fall 2009, to support current research on Food Policy, Development and related fields.
Field work in any of the geographic regions of focus (Eastern Europe, China, India, Africa) is possible. The supervisor of the project is Prof. J. Swinnen, Director of LICOS. (for more info: http://www.econ. kuleuven. be/licos).
- University degree in economics or applied economics, preferably at MPhil level
- Strong analytic and technical capabilities in modern economic methods
- Proficiency in statistical and econometric methods
- Interest in developing collaborative research within the research project
- A GRE test will be required for admission
- Fluency in spoken and written English (a TOEFL or IELTS test will be required for non-native speakers)
The research project will allow the student to simultaneously pursue a PhD in Economics. Usually, a PhD program takes 4 years, with the first year including important course work in advanced economics.
(for more info:
HOW TO APPLY: Candidates must send their curriculum vitae, together with a statement outlining expression of interest in the position, to conny.schuurmans@ econ.kuleuven. be. Applications must reach us no later than 15 April 2009.
This job ad can be read online at: ent_FoodPolicy.pdf
Scholarships for Ph.D. in Economics
University of Alicante, Spain (Spain)
The Department of Economics at the University of Alicante (FAE), Spain,is offering Teaching and Research Assistantship to students enrolling in the Graduate Program.
The Graduate Program is a full-time program leading to a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). The program is taught entirely in English and it provides students with a thorough theoretical and practical training to do independent high-level economic research. The program prepares students for professional careers in universities, public and private research organizations, international institutions, consultancy and business.
Students with strong quantitative skills and good academic qualifications are encouraged to apply.
Students are supported by an international faculty that is recruited from top American and European universities, such as MIT and LSE. The faculty has a high academic reputation publishing in top journals, such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy and Econometrica.
Students receive an annual stipend ranging from 13,000 to 17,000 Euros and get financing to attend international conferences and to visit prestigious American and European universities, such as NYU and UC London. Scholarships also cover tuition fees. The teaching load is up to 60 hour per year.
Further information on the program and how to apply can be found in our website:
The deadline for applications is April 1st, 2009, but early applications are strongly encouraged.
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