A PhD scholarship investigating the physiological ecology of forest succession is available at Macquarie University. The successful applicant will work in conjunction with an ARC Discovery Project headed by Dr. Chris Lusk, in the Department of Biological Sciences. Work will focus on understanding traits associated with adaptation of juvenile plants to different light environments, and there is ample scope for the student's own input into project design.
The scholarship is available to Australian or international students. Applicants should haveequivalent research qualifications to an Australia undergraduate degree with first class honours (such as a Masters with a substantial thesis component) in a relevant discipline.
Closing Date: 14 March 2008
SCMP MQRES CRSI Recognition PhD Scholarship<http://thescholarin donesia.com/ detail?oid= &fid=&iid= 281>
There are numerous domains in which the theory of recognition (especially the work of Axel Honneth) might be applied to better understand the experience of minority communities in Australia. These might include, for example, the experience of Muslim populations in Australian cities, or the contemporary working and life conditions among migrant workers.
The Centre for Research on Social Inclusion seeks expressions of interests from students wishing to explore the applicability of recognition theory in relation to migrant communities in Australia through a case study to be developed in discussion with the supervisory team and the student.
Closing Date: 30 March 2008
Macquarie University International
Scholarship<http://thescholarin donesia.com/ detail/?oid= &fid=&iid= 277>
Macquarie University International Scholarships are available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study on campus in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.
Scholarships will be granted to cover the credit points required to complete a single undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
The scholarship provides course fees for the minimum course duration. No additional allowances are payable. The scholarship does NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study. Annual renewal of the MUIS is subject to satisfactory performance in the Macquarie University degree program.
Closing Date 30 April, 2008
ICS MQRES Lab-on-a-chip Microbiology PhD
Scholarship<http://thescholarin donesia.com/ detail/?oid= &fid=&iid= 276>
A full-time PhD Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarships (MQRES) is currently available in the Division of Information and Communication Sciences for a project in experimental lab-on-a-chip devices in the department of physics. The successful candidate will undertake PhD research on design and fabrication of novel microfluidic devices for microbiology.
The field of microfluidics concerns itself with a wide variety of interdisciplinary topics including fundamental questions in biology chemistry and physics. This project will involve the design and fabrication of microfluidic devices for concentrating and separating microbes, allowing for faster and earlier detection of dangerous organisms in fluids ranging from drinking water to blood. Fabrication will be done using an in-house semiconductor fabrication facility, and characterization will be done using state of the art facilities in the biology department. The skills gained in this PhD project will be valuable in the growing field of biotechnology.
Closing Date: 30 May 2008
MQRES European Union Phd
Scholarship<http://thescholarin donesia.com/ detail/?oid= &fid=&iid= 278>
In 2008, the IUEU Centre will be offering two scholarships for PhD research projects focused on the European Union, the integration process in general, or related areas of research. Applicants may be based in Politics, International Relations, History, Law, Economics, Commerce, EU Languages and Cultural Studies, or another discipline appropriate to the particular proposal.
The IUEU Centre is based on a consortium of six universities, with La Trobe and Macquarie as the two principal nodes and Griffith, Newcastle, Flinders and Murdoch as partner universities. This scholarship will be based with the principal supervisor at Macquarie University, but the Centre will facilitate co-supervision of appropriate expertise from another university in the consortium.
Closing 31 May 2008
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