(http://www.cip. aau.dk) calls for applications for two vacant PhD
scholarships within the area of business process innovation and supply
chain management. The PhD scholarships will address the following areas:
1) New methodologies for IT based Innovations in Supply Chains.
2) Methods for developing and implementing intelligent supply
Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Charles
charles@production. aau.dk for further details.
Application deadline is April, 30.th 2008.
The successful applicant must participate in an action research program
Danfoss (http://danfoss. com) and work with research issues relevant to
program. The Danish PhD stipends are quite generous. There is no
and the salary will be approximately 3.100 Euro per month. Full
description of the position is provided at
http://stillinger. aau.dk/vis. php?nr=4027.
Professor Charles Møller, PhD
Center for Industrial Production, Aalborg University
Fibigerstræde 16, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, DENMARK
Phone: +45-99407101, Mail: charles@production. aau.dk
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