Social Inclusion PhD Scholarship (MQRES)

Closing Date: 31 March 2008

The Centre for Research on Social Inclusion (CRSI) is offering two
scholarships for PhD research projects focused on religion and social
inclusion. Candidates may approach the topic through considering the
relationship between religion and political philosophy or religion and
political movements. Areas could include (but are not limited to)
religion and citizenship; the relationship between religious and other
kinds of discrimination; religion as a source of resistance to change,
or resistance to the status quo.

The Centre for Research on Social Inclusion is an interdisciplinary
group of researchers from disciplines such as Anthropology, Sociology,
Philosophy, Cultural Studies, and Human Geography. We also include
members from across the university from areas such as demography and
finance. The Centre undertakes social, cultural and philosophical
research into contemporary social justice issues.

Within the broad rubric of social and cultural inclusion, the Centre
has five areas of special research strength:
$B!|(B Migration, Multiculturalism and Nation
$B!|(B Critical Theory and Social Hope
$B!|(B Welfare, Care and Social Policy
$B!|(B The Postcolonial World and Globalisation
$B!|(B Inclusion and Exclusion in Urban and Regional Spaces

This scholarship is available to domestic or international students.
Applicants should have equivalent research qualifications to an
Australian undergraduate degree with first class honours, such as a
Masters degree with a substantial thesis component in a relevant

The scholarship pays a living allowance, currently $20,007 per annum,
tax exempt (2008), and the maximum tenure is 3.5 years full time,
subject to satisfactory progress. Tuition fees will be funded for the
tenure of the scholarship.

For further information and discussion regarding these projects,
applicants are encouraged to contact the supervisor, Associate Professor
Marion Maddox, email: or telephone: +61-2-9850

Application forms, and conditions for MQRES awards, are available from
the Higher Degree Research Office, telephone +61-2-9850 7663, e-mail
hdrschol@mq., or downloaded from our website:
www.research. students/ scholarships/ pages/SCMP_ CRSISocialInclus ion.

Applications should be forwarded to:
The Scholarship Officer
The Research Hub
Level 3, C5C East
Macquarie University NSW 2109

____________ _________
Dr Armen Gakavian
Centre Manager
Centre for Research on Social Inclusion
Room 375, C5C Research Hub West
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Tel: +612 9850 9171
Mobile: +614 10 658 905
Fax: +612 9850 4432
URL: http://www.crsi.